WHAT THE $%#*?!

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Word count: 1220 words

It had been five months since their plan had started, Mielli's limbs hadn't healed at all. Zhuk still didn't exactly enjoy Pauk, but they all eventually grew to be friends during that time.
And for the border, nothing much happened. Maybe a wild animal crossed it once or twice, but really nothing at all.

Pauk sat on top of the van, he was watching for his turn, evening watch. It was quiet, the only sound to be heard was Pauk humming happily. He was never really in a bad mood. Pauk stopped humming when he heard a rustle from a bush on the other side of the border, he guessed it was probably a small wild creature, but he had to check anyways.
He stayed still, and waited for it to come out...
A white rabbit hopped out from the bush, and slowly but cautiously crossed the border. It was looking right at him as it did so. Pauk sighed, he thought he'd have to fight something, but it was only a rabbit. He looked back at the rabbit, but it was gone now.


He looked down from where he sat on top of the van to see Zhuk was below him.

"Ah hello Zhuk!"

"It's break time. Get down, get some food or something."

"Oh but I'm not hungry,"

"Then at least get off the top of the van, Mielli doesn't like it. He says it's making dents in the roof."

"Oh." Pauk sat up, and looked where he sat. There was indeed a dent in the roof, from where he sat. He thought the van must be very old, or something like that, for it to get dented so easily.
He jumped down from the van and stood in front of Zhuk. He smiled, and walked away, towards the side of the van.
Pauk decided he'd go for a walk. See the nature a little better, and to stretch his legs. He had been sitting on that van for ages.
He paused when he was, almost, deep in the wood. He heard rustling, again. From another bush. He walked up to it slowly, and crouched in front of it.
A rabbit crawled out, it was white. Pauk smiled, guessing it was the same rabbit he saw before, and picked it up.

"Hello white rabbit, what brings you to this side of the border?" He laughed when the rabbit only sneezed in response. He was also surprised it didn't try and escape his grasp, maybe he had a thing with animals.
He paused, "Do you want to come home with me? Oh~! I'm sure Mielli wouldn't mind another person to live in his house," he laughed again, knowing he was wrong. The white rabbit only twitched their nose.
Pauk smiled, and walked home with the rabbit.


"Zhuk.. this tastes like shit," Mielli couldn't help but insult the awfully cooked spaghetti.

"Oh." Zhuk kept his neutral face on, but he was obviously a hurt by that, and took the spaghetti from him. He slowly opened a trash can.. and threw it away.

Mielli only frowned, and looked a bit annoyed when Pauk came in to the van.

"Mielli! Look, I've found a white rabbit! You think he can stay with us..?"

"A WHAT?! Pauk, throw that thing outside,"

"What? Why?-" Pauk was cut off when the rabbit jumped out of his arms, and quickly changed into a small man. They wore a purple mask and grayish-blue hoodie. He had the tail of a rabbit, and ears at the top of his head like one.
The small man, who seemed to be 3'4, somewhere around that, had landed on Mielli's face, and started clawing at it.

"PAUK YOU BLOCKHEADED TWAT-" he grabbed the small man by the ears, and easily tore him off his face. He held the small man in front of him, who was squirming around, trying to break free.

Mielli snarled, "What the hell do you want? Why aren't you back in Euphony?"

"Euphony...?" Pauk turned to Zhuk, who didn't respond. He looked back at the two, with a sad face. He didn't know why, but he really liked that rabbit.

"So? Gonna talk?"

The small man only continued to swat at the air.

Mielli squeezed his grip on the rabbits ears, who shrieked and immediately stopped moving. "Tell. me. Why. You're. Here."

"I ain't tellin you nothin." Pauk flinched at the man's accent, it remined him of the bartender he had killed..

The rabbit turned away from Mielli's gaze, only to shriek again from Mielli's grasp on his ears tightening.

The small man looked back at Mielli, a fearful expression showing. "OKAY! Okay.." he paused, then attempted to kick Mielli the face, only to shriek again. Mielli was angry now- he raised his voice as he spoke,

"You are going to tell me why the hell you're here, and not back in Euphony."

The rabbit seemed to be just as annoyed, "tch.." he grumbled something about how he wouldnt be able to escape anyways before responding, "It was my plan to spy on y'all, but then this guy," he glanced back at Pauk, "had to take me inside."

"Good job Pauk." Zhuk looked up at Pauk,

"Oh- thank you, Zhuk!" He decided to take that as a positive thing to say, and smiled proudly.

Mielli put the rabbit in the table by the window, and just stared at him. He looked scared and confused, which made Mielli laugh.

"You're the size of a toddler!"

"WHAT?!" The small mans face turned red.

Pauk laughed at this, and walked up to crouch beside Mielli. "The Kanin is very small,"

"KANIN-?! WHAT??" His face grew brighter, and he started to cover it up with his hoodie.

Mielli stopped smiling, "What's your name?"

"And why should I tell ye that?"

"Hostage purposes.."

The rabbits eyes grew wide, but then he shook his head, he already knew something like this would happen, since he'd been caught. "..Ozornoy."

"Ooh a mischievous name!"


"His name means mischievous. Its russian."

Pauk and Mielli continued to converse, as they did so, Zhuk walked up to Ozornoy. He stared at the rabbit for a while, "What did you really come here for?"

Ozonory flinched, shocked and confused, "What do ye mean? I already told you, to spy on ye!"

"I dont think that's why you're here.."

The rabbit looked guilty, but didn't respond. He just kept quiet.

"Did you come here to kill me?"

Ozornoys eyes grew wide, "WHat..? No... I just.."

"Okay" Zhuk got up from crouching in front of Ozornoy and walked back to the couch he was sitting in.

Ozornoy blinked. He was not expecting that.

Pauk stopped talking to Mielli and turned back to Ozornoy, he smiled. "Do you want to be my friend?"

Mielli glared at them, them went to cuddle- [lol no-] sit with Zhuk.

"Friend? Uh.." Once again, Ozornoy was not expecting this. "..y'know, everyone in Euphony told us that all Seethians were awful, mean creatures. But..uhm... you don't seem like how they describe you."

"Well of course not! I am one of the nicest people you'll meet here! Other people though, they're exactly how those Euphonians described them!"


//Mielli is like a master at walking with one leg 💖

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