I woke up on January 2nd, 2021. It was a Saturday, I had planned last night to go to the mall with a friend of mine named Levi. (a few hours later). So my mom and I went to go pick up Levi, we get there and Levi gets in the car and we go to the mall. We go inside and the first place we go is Hot Topic, we look at a few things and I get some pins for my bag, then we walk out of the store and start walking down the walkway, I hear someone say "I like your pin" they were talking about the pin on my bag so I turn around, and freeze in my place, I stood there for a good minute trying to process what just happened, then I walk up to the person that said and Levi was obviously to scared to meet them but I ask them their name and they say "Hi my name is Arin" then I ask them their pronouns and they say "oh I go by he/they pronouns" and then he asks me "what are yours" and I say "I go by he/him" and then I ask them "do you have Instagram" he says "no" then i say "snapchat?" he says "nope" and then they say "but I do have a Lego brick phone." and, he pulls a government track phone from his pocket and I laugh and then he says "but I do have tiktok" and so I get his tiktok and then I walk away, (later on that day). I look at his tiktok account and he has 17.7k followers! I knew I thought I had seen them before but I didn't think it was probably on my for you page. Then I get a message my heart stops, "ITS FROM HIM!" I say to Levi, so Levi asked "well what does it say?" I say "ITS THIER PHONE NUMBER!" then Levi says "ok Charlie chill out, why dont you message them." So I messaged Arin saying "hey I forgot to ask what school do you go to?" then Arin said "I'm home-schooled" I say "ah I've always wanted to be home-schooled" so I ask him what grade hes in, then he says "I'm in 8th grade." Which really isn't a problem for me, were both the same age just he has a late birthday. Then Arin and I make plans to go to a trampoline park the next day, (the next day). My heart is beating out of my chest for no reason I don't understand I just met this person I cant feel like this, i must be crazy theres no way he has these same feelings, why do I fall in love so easily. I'm not gonna make a move because I might ruin it I'll wait, hell maybe he just wants to be friends. Then I get there late obviously, woah my heart exploded he helped me get out of the foam pit when I was stuck, in my mind I was thinking "DO NOT OVER REACT CHARLIE HES JUST BEING NICE," because no one has ever done that before.