||night has a thousand eyes||

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Season 2 episode 18

The twins we're coping as Ophelia chuckles and looks at them.

"Well, Mrs. Atonal-Kenner. Now that you've got a real local to show you around the quarter what would you like to see first?"He asks her as she chuckles.

"Well, Mr Kenner. I'd ask to see your old haunts, but we do have an impressionable young two babies with us."Ophelia said as she hands the girl the money.

"That song. What is it?"She asks him as they kept on walking till a man comes.

"Flowers Mrs? A gift for the children."An random man comes by and asks them both.

"No we're all right. Thank you."

"Are you sure? Black dahlias are in bloom. They're quite lovely."He said as he grabs her arm and his eyes turn white Klaus comes randomly.

"Show yourself, witch. I am here. I am everywhere. And I intend to take what's mine."

"It's her."

"Hey, what just happened?"He asks them as Klaus and Ophelia look at each other.



Ophelia was already home as the door knocks it was her sister she smiles.

"Hey,sister a lot has happened. I want you to meet someone."She tells her as she smiles she grabs the babies.

"Xavier and Blair this is aunt Indra and Indra theses are your nephew and niece Xavier and Indra."She said as Indra smiles.

"I've always wanted to be an aunt if you want me to take care of them I'm here."she reminds her.

"Here, I have to go talk to Klaus."Ophelia says to her as Indra changes their diapers.


"Isn't that the point of a fortress? It does a better job protecting you and hayley! When you stay within its walls."Klaus gets mad.

"Okay, we get it. Let's just figure out what the hell we're gonna do."Ophelia said as Klaus sighed.

"Klaus, We don't know what the hell we're gonna do."Hayley replies.

"What I would like to do is a take strong Leash."Klaus gets mad.

"Children, please. Niklaus, your ire is justified, however Hayley and Ophelia  is quite right. We need to find a new strategy. Freya,if you please."Elijah said and comes randomly and sits next to Hayley.

"This spell you described. Dahlia calls it keening using proxies to watch her enemies from afar. But I've never seen it done on quite scale."Freya answers the long lost sister is helping them.

"Awesome. So basically every hurricane chugging, boob flashing tourist on bourbon street."Hayley said as she rolls her eyes.

"The good news is I know a little bit about how her magic works. This tonic will at least prevent her form using any of us."Freya said putting giving us the tea cups.

"Well, come on. Should work like a charm. Bottoms up."Rebekah/Eva said drinking her tea.

"Niklaus, Is there something you wish to contribute?"Elijah asks his little brother.

"I prefer biscuits with my tea."Klaus said.

"Of course."

"Besides, our minds are far too strong to be invaded by kenning spells. No, what we experienced was a test. Dahlia watching to see we respond to aggression. She preparing for a battle. My guess is sonnet rather than later."

"Well, if she was standing us she'd know we have our own army."Ophelia answers.

"She also knows where we are. Given the immense nature of her power, we simply have no idea what to expect. What we need to create a new stronghold something dahlia knows nothing about. A sanctuary from any witchcraft."Elijah said and he drinks his tea.

"That's a fine strategy. I offer another. We could use to trace her magic back so it's source we could use Jackson to trade her magic back to its source find out exactly where she is."

"Fine do it."Hayley replies.

"Good, then it's settled. Off you pop to your respective tasks Me, I've always been of the option what the best defense is a good offense."


Ophelia knocks on Brian door as she come in.

"Hey. You okay?"

"That witch got in my head. I could've hurt you or the babies."Brian replies as she sits down next to him.

"Here. Drink this. Freya said it will keep her from getting in again."Ophelia answers and gives him a tea cup.

"I could feel her, Ophelia. Dahlia. She's nothing but darkness. I say we take Xavier and Blair and the pack and we leave town tonight."Brian answers.

"We can't just run from our home, Brian."

"You and The twins are my home."

"We can keep them safe the both of them please."Brian answers.

"What Klaus? Elijah. Rebekah and my sister they're her family."She answers him.

"Do you know else is part of that family? Dahlia. I don't back away from a fight. Okay? But this started a thousand years ago. It's not our war."He said as she looks down and didn't know what to say.

"No I can't do it. Sorry."


Hayley, Rebekah and Freya we're talking as Ophelia was sitting in the coach


Freya was walking around and she sees everyone starting at her.

"No!"Freya yelled and she sees dahlia her aunt she gasps.

"There you are. After all theses centuries. Hello my Freya."Dahlia said as she stops everyone starting.

"How convenient that I find you here, mere footsteps from what which is owed to me. Let me guess. Did you make a promise to your wrested siblings? Together we'll fight the wicked witch side by side? Heh, tell me, darling. How did they respond to your overtures? Did they welcome you with open opens? And weep tears of joy at your miraculous return? Hm?"Dahlia said to her niece.

"What are you going to me?"

"Soon enough you will beg for me and bring you back into my home. After all, once I am done with theses poor souls. I'll be the only family you have left. You should have better than to defy me."Dahlia said leaving.


"What are you waiting for. You crone?"

"Now that you've arrived. Not a thing. Let us begin."Dahlia said as they fought.


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