Chapter 6

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Catra and Adora had been driving for a while, starting up small conversations along the way, but never about anything important.

However, Catra had been questioning practically all of the decisions she had made in the past few years. Like deciding to push Adora out of her life. Because now that they were back together, Catra could hardly remember that she wasn't supposed to be enjoying this trip. 

Adora just seemed to do that to her. She drew Catra in with her charm and beauty. She always had it, and now Catra just couldn't seem to get enough of it. She loved hearing her laugh, loved seeing her smile, and that morning when she woke up next to her, it felt amazing. 

However, while Catra was thinking about Adora, she couldn't hear her voice calling her.

"Hey, Catra? Are you okay? You've been spacing out for a while." Catra looked up at her quickly and smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking." Adora looked at her, confused. "What were you thinking about?"

"Catra fought back a blush as she said, "Nothing that concerns you." Adora shrugged. "Suit yourself."

After about another hour of nonstop driving, Catra decided that she needed a break. "Hey, can we stop here? My legs are tired."

As they parked and got out of Adora's car, they stopped.


"I know, right?"

the sun was setting, painting the sky in shades of yellow and pink. It was beautiful, almost as beautiful as Adora was at that moment.

"It's so pretty," Adora sighed, staring out into the horizon.  

"Yeah..." Catra stated, her eyes still glued to Adora's face.

"I wish it could be like this all the time." Catra noticed how Adora's voiced was saddened, becoming more distant. 

"What do you mean?" Catra snapped out of her blue eye-induced haze. She had assumed that Adora had a perfect life at her perfect school and that she'd be happy to get away from her once this was over.

"Well, you know, things haven't exactly been easy with school and work. Every day, I force myself to wake up and go to work, although on most days I'm exhausted."

Adora sat down on the cool grass, staring up into the sky. "It would be nice to just drift away, like these clouds. Never having to worry about anything."

Catra felt for her. She understood how it felt to be constantly stressed out. She still hadn't found a job and was going to be kicked out of her apartment soon.

"I understand. It's hard being stressed all the time." The two girls stared at each other with a sense of longing between them. Catra couldn't help but think about what it would be like to kiss her. 

 "Hey, Adora?" 


"Do you know what it's like to have a crush?" Catra blurted out before she could stop herself. 

Adora's eyes widened as her cheeks went red with blush. "Umm, yeah, kind of."

"Well, can you tell me how it feels?" Catra avoided looking at Adora, embarrassed. 

"Well, it sort of makes your heart flutter, and you want to be around them. They make you feel good, complete even." Catra saw a smile on Adora's face. She liked seeing it.

Oh no...

She definitely had a crush on Adora. 

Being around her made Catra feel all of the things Adora had listed and more. Her presence made Catra feel safe, comforted. Like Adora said, being around her made Catra complete.

Now all she had to do was figure out if Adora felt the same way. And as much as Catra wanted to just ask her outright, she couldn't. Not yet.

Hey guys! I know this chapter was a bit shorter than usual, but I kind of was just making things up as I go. I hope you enjoyed this chapter nonetheless, and I hope you got some enjoyment out of watching Catra simp. Thanks again for reading! See you next week with a new chapter! ❤️❤️

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