Prologue - White Walls Blurred

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Pure unblemished white, lined the corners and walls of this place. Ironic considering all this place's deeds are dyed in the dark grey of immorality. It's like the constructor's intention was to scourge the area of any trace of darkness. Colourless lights integrated into any and every surface killed the existence of any shadows trying to breathe. The whole area purified of colour and life. Interestingly this crystalline white palace manifested the darkest prisoners of all. Whether intentional or not, wasn't known.

Mythics and ancient philosophers always speculated that light cannot live without darkness, whilst the reverse is also true. The best example was the cosmic emblem of Yin and Yang. A set of two opposing and complementing principles that can be observed in nature. Life and death, heaven and hell, light and darkness. Then, in this unadulterated bright place without a single shadow cast, where can the darkness strive?

It takes refuge in the only being with a core and festers inside its soul. To fix the imbalance, it does not only reside, but consumes. A being of its own, filled to the brim, to mirror its counterpart. A pure uncompromising white room housing the being of blackness - ever changing and adapting.

It's ironic that the brightest place in the world was the darkest he's been for his 16 years alive. The blinding he was receiving within his dream receded as he glimpsed at the shining sun peeking behind the clouds reminiscent of that location. Ayanakouji Kiyotaka - the ever-changing darkness had come a long way since he first open his eyes in that pure, unblemished bright chamber.


Opening my bleary eyes, I was met with a large sapphire expanse of the sky, reflecting of the pure waves of ocean blue below. Blinking away the excess blurriness my short nap produced, I reflected on my vivid recollection of my past. Such a strange myriad of thoughts my mind conceived regarding my time in the White Room. Not that I overly cared about the past, the only thing which piqued my interest as to why I was having such visions? Of course, recent events obviously answered my own question...

"Kiyopon, are you okay?" Haruka worriedly asked, peeking at my face. "Your nap seemed slightly strained..."

Laying on the unfolded deckchair, I slowly started to retune my senses to my surroundings. Before I drifted off into my nap, the 'Ayanakouji Group' – A group consisting of my friends; Airi, Akito, Haruka and Keisei – had met on the deck of the cruise liner our school was currently inhabiting. It was our intention to all hang out and utilise the vacation our school had graciously offered us for the rest of the week. Around me in a chair each of their own, were my friends, who were now peering at me with a mixture of concern and curiosity. I must have slipped away into my dreamscape whilst we were mindlessly conversing. The aftereffects of the most recent special exam and a previous sleepless night resulted in my body needing a slight respite.

"I'm fine, Haruka. Sorry about that."

"No, don't stress! Miyacchi, Airi and I are still exhausted from the exam even though we were grouped together. I don't know how you're still functioning after doing it solo, Kiyopon!"

That's right. It was just yesterday that the Uninhabited Island Exam had officially ended for all three school years and the results were announced. All students from the first and second year had undergone the exam unscathed, whereas the dropouts being some no-named students from the third year. It was a daunting exam for everyone involved and the mental and physical strain was taking its toll.

Even I had been pushed to the limits, working through the exam whilst fending off attacks from first years and staff members alike. Fortunately, I had managed to place just outside of the top 10 and successfully neutralise Acting Director Tsukishiro's attempts at getting me expelled. Although I still had some lingering doubts on his true motives.

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