Chapter 4 - Converging Conspiracies Cause Conflict

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The White Room's Observatory. A place unknown to the subjects. Where all the background workings of their developments and results are produced. One of the only areas in the radius which held any sort of colour and life, unlike the sterilised white of the expanse below it.

It was the most conspicuous room of the entire estate. An abundance of rotten and inhumane secrets lay in between its confine. However not a single word was given the chance to escape. It replicated a human out in space, taking shelter within their own craft. If they left the safety of their premade walls, nothing would survive to observe. The oxygen-less vastness of the unknown would swallow them whole.

Numerous researchers occupied the space of the Observatory, each with a monitor and keyboard in front. Along the walls contained larger screens with video feeds and statistics of all kinds. The only free wall contained a large glass window which hovered above a large white chamber, like an invisible throne. Only known to one subject. This glass pane was the very same indents that the boy had noticed from the opposite side.

Murmurs and the sound of typing continued to reverberate off the walls, contrasting to the eerie calm of the lower halls. It was a standard day for the momentous number of specialists within, dutifully continuing their tasks for their rich and powerful overseer.

The doors waved open and a broad man somewhere in his early forties entered the room, completely unaware of the attention he gained. The man had a sharp jawline and a crinkled forehead, showing how deep into his own mindscape he was. Pristine, black shoes, flattened navy suit with a white undershirt. The man was the ideal of professionalism, although not one person could look at him for more than a second.

His presence had thrown the once lively working room into discourse, a standstill. From no intention of his own. An unconscious presence permeated from every single cell of his body. Domineering, overbearing, officious.

A deadly chill enamoured the occupants of the Observatory.

All were aware that unprovoked disturbance was a mortal sin, however a brave, or stupid, subordinate foolishly cut through the silent din.

"...Ayanakouji-Sensei." He began, timidly. "I have word from a man inside the Japanese Electoral about a troublesome-"

"I don't remember asking for your input."

The man, Ayanakouji-sensei, mercilessly cut off his subordinate. Chills ran down the spines of all present. Afraid of the cut-throat tone in their overseer's voice.

The foolish subordinate gaped as a single bead of sweat fell from their brow. It had been twenty seconds since he had spoken out of turn, and he was yet to let a breath escape his lips. The man could feel pressure building behind his eyelids. Petrified but refusing to succumb to fear and his own tears. He obstinately waited with bated breath.

Ayanakouji-sensei continued to blankly stare out of the glass pane with a hand cradling his chin. He had yet to give anyone a shred of attention, too immersed in his own dwindling thoughts. Perhaps out of frustration he hummed and then called out to the man he just ignored.

"I should dismiss you for your insolence... Your incomprehensible report must be important considering your idiotic actions. Finish it concisely and I will show mercy."

The subordinate gulped at the man's first address before apprehensively collecting his data and standing ramrod straight.

"Uh... Ahem!"

The subordinate timidly opened his mouth before reaffirming his courage with a cough.

"Our collaborator inside the Japanese Electoral has confirmed the suspicions of a fragmented group attempting to gain information on our businesses. It's evident that a subsidiary group of the Japanese Bureau of Morality and Ethics has been formed. Since the Morality and Ethics Department has a large influence on the Japanese Government, they've been given permission to form their own version of a 'Task Force'. This Subsidiary Task Force has individuals pulled from talented military and political ranks. The purpose is to be at ground zero to scope out morally wrong or inhumane procedures which could be forming within the military, and/or other dangerous facilities and locations."

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