returning for the new year

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Yes i am starting another story but i will be updating my other two still i just had this idea and really wanted to do it. Sorry if the first chapter is bad as well I just needed to make a starter chapter first but the next one will be a lot better I promise. Hope you all enjoy. REGULAR DISCLAIMER(if your new and you don't know what I mean basically I am saying sorry for any spelling and grammar errors and basically sorry for any mistakes)

Bye x

Nobody's POV

It was Sam, Freddie and Carly's first day back after summer break. It was there second year at Washington state and they were all heading to find there dorms for this year. Yes they ended up at the same Collage, they all got in and Freddie wanted to stay with Sam because of course they were still together and even though she said that she could handle long distance Freddie Benson knew Sam Puckett a lot more than he was showing and knew he couldn't leave her. After a long two hour conversation with his mother about him not going to 'the collage of his dreams' and her finally breaking and letting him. last august spencer drove them to Washington state in socko's van of course what else where you expecting from him, to change his ways come on cause he isn't he's already the best big brother Carly could have asked for. Once they arrived they said goodbye which to no surprise was hard for the trio, leaving there farther figure and venturing off into the big world. Sam and Freddie had always seen Spencer as more of a father not having theirs around when they were young but secretly it was just as hard for Spencer. He had always cared for them so much and been very over protective of them but he knew they would be fine they were the icarly trio and bestfriends well and obviously seddie but nothing could stop them. During their first day Sam and Carly had found out that their matron was called Miss Howard. They were just as freaked out to hear this as you probably are and even more weirded out when they found out she was the opposite of their old high school teacher. She was really kind and loved icarly and was a seddie shipper as well she has put Sam and Carly together in a dorm. The other half of their block was for the boys and Miss Howard had pulled a few strings of course wanting to get on their good side and but Freddie with Steven (new Steven not one from show) , who is now one of his close friends next to the wall joining the two halves and on the other side of the wall was Sam and Carly's Dorm. Of course just because she couldn't get any nicer gave Freddie a key secretly to the door that let you go between the boys and girls sides so he could go hang in their dorm when he wanted and of course see Sam all the time. They made a truce with Miss Howard they could do this as long as they didn't get caught by the matron of the boys wing Miss Clarkson she was a lot stricter and if she had found out we don't want to even imagine that. Well they were careful and never got caught, Freddie had become especially good at sneaking into the girls side and climbing into bed with her to cuddle with her all night and would sneak back. No one told. No one found out it was perfect and today they were heading back to these dorms as again Miss Howard had pulled a few strings and got the same arrangement for them this year.

Sam's POV

Me and Carls were heading up to our room to dump our stuff and go grab some food and meet Freddie in the food court. Although she was starting to bug me she was practically running up the stairs with her two gigantic suitcases  'hey carls would you slow down your going so fast I can't keep up with ya', 'sorry i'm just so excited for this year I plan to do so much I was planning all summer and maybe get a cute boyfriend I know your already sorted but I am not going to stay single forever you know'. 'whatever just slow down and let me catch up with you'. FINALLY we reached our room and took out our keys unlocking the door and walking in. Yep still looks the same definitely hasn't changed, I watched Carly dump her stuff on one of the beds 'hey don't you want to decide beds for the year first', 'come on Sam like you don't want the one closest to that wall so you can be neared Freddie'. I mean she wasn't wrong or anything that was true. 'fine yes I do want that bed, you sure you don't mind'. She glared at me before replying 'of course not who do you think I am the evil friend cause I don't mind plus the concept is kind of cute you sleeping on one side of the wall and Freddie on the other side so you can also knock and he can knock back its like modern Romeo and Juliet. Oh and speaking of knocking why don't you knock to see if the boys are in there room yet'. Carly knew me way to well, sometimes I think she knows me better than myself to be honest but speaking of knocking I didn't hesitate to knock and within 0.5 seconds I got a knock back and then a text.

F: see you in a minuet princess

S: see you in a minuet I love you

F: I love you too

'Awww you guys your so cute', 'jeez carls would ya not scare me like that', 'sorry', 'you know i'm just messing with ya and speaking of Freddie he said see you in a  minuet so we should probably head out soon'. Our conversation was soon interrupted by a knock at our door and a very handsome boy standing there. 'hey Sam ready to go get some bacon', he said giving me a quick kiss. 'of course lets go carls, Steven hurry up I said before kissing him again.

Later that evening when the whole building has settled down I was about to fall asleep when I heard a click and something heavy on my bed. 'hey you mind if I join you', 'of course not as long as your not leaving', 'of course i'm not', he whispered wrapping his arms around me pulling me as close to him as he could and letting me snuggle into him. Honestly how could my life get any better I though as I feel asleep in Freddie's arms.

(1057 words)

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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