Iced Coffee

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Iced Coffee

Meredith tries something new.

"Is that...'' George points to the scene playing out in front of them.

"I think it is..." Izzie replies.

"It totally is..." Alex smiles.

"It's an abomination!" Cristina huffs.

"Hey, guys, what's up?" Meredith walks up to them, and says obliviously.

"Are you drinking iced coffee!?" George waves his hands around.

"As in, the sugary kind with too much cream iced coffee!?" says Izzie.

"I am," Meredith smiles widely.

"Why?" Cristina wrinkles her nose at the thought.

"Yeah, is warm coffee no longer enough for you?" Alex asks her.

"I'm just trying something new out... There's nothing wrong with a little... Experimenting..." Meredith says as she twirls her fingers around her hair nervously.

"Doctors," says Addison, as she approaches all of the interns, and they all step back and answer her, before they notice that she is also holding an iced coffee, which is in fact, the exact same kind that Meredith is also currently holding.

"Dr. Montgomery-" Cristina nods in respect.

"Good luck on your cases this morning..." Addison answers. And Dr. Grey... I'll see you later," Addison purrs, staring right into Meredith's eyes as she does this.

"You will," Meredith giggles again, and then bites her lip with her tongue.

"Talk about 'experimenting,' right?" says Izzie.

"Dude," Alex smirks.

"Lalalalala I'm not listening," George covers his ears with his hands.

"Mer, why didn't you tell me!?" Cristina pouts at Meredith.

"What, it's just an iced coffee," Meredith blushes.

"Oh, you are so giving me the details later," Cristina sulks at her.

"Grey!" says Bailey, getting all of the intern's attention.

"Yes Dr. Bailey?" says Meredith.

"Do you have a mocha one of those to share with me, perhaps?" says Dr. Bailey.

"No..." says Meredith.

"Then get to work!" says Bailey. "All of you, stop standing there!"

"Yes, Dr. Bailey!" Alex and George and Cristina and Izzie and Meredith say in chorus.

The following day, when Meredith and Addison go out for iced coffee, their friends catch them sharing one of the cups with the same straw while they carry the other.

"This is payback right? Because you didn't tell me?" says Cristina.

"Or maybe she brought it for me, because I baked muffins," says Izzie.

"Or she could give it to me," says Alex.

"Or me," says George.

"Or ME," says Bailey, as she approaches them.

"Here, Bailey," says Meredith. "It's mocha-flavored," she says shyly.

"Thanks, Grey," says Bailey. "Now shoo, get out of here. Go stitch up something!" says Bailey in a stern voice that scares off the interns.

"Going!" says Meredith, as she runs off to follow her friends.

"That never gets old," says Bailey to Addison, laughing.

"Nope," says Addison, as she laughs along with her.






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