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Hweseung POV

I look around observing the rooftop taking everything in one by one in my eyes it reminded me of my old school rooftop just a few things nothing much I take a few steps and noticed something from afar

I keep walking forward as I see a drum set a little stool with drums sticks on the stool I walk toward the drums observing them the drum set was beautiful it had 2 colors mix together blue and purple mixed together making a beautiful setting that reminded him of a flower I mean the colors looked like it could be a beautiful color of some imaginary flower

He looks around for the drums owners but finds no one noticing he's all alone he looks at the drums set and decided to why not give it a play

I grab the drum sticks sitting down as I take in a deep breath and start playing I closed my eyes focusing on which drum to hit or which note to play I played softly not to loudly since I didn't want to annoy or distract any one of my neighbors

After playing I stop as I finished letting out a dee breath I was holding in and then I hear some clapping behind me I flinch quickly getting off the stool and turning around

I spot a male walking towards me with a satisfy smile or more like a grin turned smile the male look like he was around maybe my age or older his hair looked soft from afar and I wanted to touch it his hair was brown with some blonde stripes his hair was also covering his eyebrows he gave off a model vibe

I quickly bow apologizing

"Sorry for using your drums without your permission I just really like to play instruments even though I don't play instruments myself I mostly sing-" I shut my mouth noticing that I was rambling I look down embarrassed and bow again apologizing

I hear a small chuckle coming from him as I look up he was smiling and chuckling a bit and soon I joined him He looks me up and down observing me and he nods holding out his hand I look at him confused as he points at him drums sticks

I nod and hand it to him as he sits down at the stool and starts to play I look at him and soon walk a bit towards him but stay about a few inches away I close my eyes bopping my head to the sound of the drums after a few minutes he ends it as I open my eyes and clap for him

"That's was amazing you play better then me" he chuckles

"your not so bad for someone who doesn't even play instruments you sure you not lying to me" I quickly nod my head no

"No of course not" he nods as he holds his hand out I look at his hand then at him confused

"The name is Jae Hyeon, Kim Jae Hyeon but call me Jaehyun" I look at him and shake his hand

"Hweseung... the name Yoo Hweseung" he shakes my hand happily

"Pleasure to meet you Hweseung"

"You to Jaehyun"

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