Chapter Two: The Art of Chill; An Evening at Brodie's

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It was yet another day at school, and I so desperately wanted to drop out. I was late again, but my first lesson was English, and the teacher was really nice, so she didn't make a big deal out of it.

"Time goes by, so slowly," I sang to myself as I stared hopelessly out the window.

"Literally," Matt mumbled from beside me.

"Can I copy your answers?" I asked Matt, motioning to his sheet of paper. We were doing a practice quiz on Shakespeare, and I knew nothing.

"I guessed them all; they're probably wrong," Matt advised me.

"That's not what I asked," I said as I grabbed his sheet and copied his answers.

The class went by slowly, along with the others I had up until break. Once the bell rang, I walked with Matt over to the berry tree where we all hung out. Jordan, Brodie, and Hunter were already there. The girls were nowhere to be seen, and I spotted Ginny walking away quickly.

"Hey," I greeted way too enthusiastically and situated myself on Brodie's lap since there were no more seats left.

"Ugh, you're so heavy. Get off me," Brodie weakly tried to push me off, which was how I knew he was joking.

"I'm heavy?" I asked in disbelief. "You're heavier than me."

Brodie sarcastically hummed in response, and I didn't notice the hard look Matt was sending in our direction. The guys and I talked until the bell rang again. The girls didn't show up, but I didn't put too much thought into it. I groaned loudly when the bell rang, and Matt chuckled at me.

"Come on, we have math again," Brodie sighed as he linked his arm with mine and began walking. Matt sighed in annoyance and walked beside me.

"By the way, we're all going to Brodie's later. You're coming, right?" Matt asked as we walked out of school together. The school day was finally over, and I couldn't have been more excited.

"Maybe," I shrugged.

"You better. You know it won't be the same if you're not there," Matt told me.

"Cute," I smirked at him, and he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. See you later," he said as he walked in a different direction.

"Maybe you will," I chuckled.

I got home and napped for a few hours. When I woke up, I decided to get changed and head to Brodie's.

I changed into a black bodysuit and a pair of blue jeans, along with my Converse and a plain black oversized jacket. I put my phone into my pocket but then took it back out since I decided to get an Uber to Brodie's house.

I got out of the car and invited myself in just like I usually do at Max's. It was quiet, so I assumed everyone was in the basement. My assumption was correct when I saw them all sitting on the couch, talking.

"Look who finally decided to show up," Brodie called out. I laughed and flipped him the bird. Everyone greeted me, and I sat next to Matt, seeing as that was the only space left. He quickly glanced at me and smirked, then looked back at the TV and continued playing on Brodie's PlayStation.

At some point, a bong Jordan made was being passed around. It soon made its way to Ginny, and she stared at it with a confused look.

"I've never smoked before," Ginny confessed.

"Really, huh?" Matt said to Ginny. "You sound interesting," he added sarcastically, with no emotion, and then carried on with his game. Brodie and I laughed while I rested my legs on top of Matt's. He didn't seem to mind.

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