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Ready for a preggy ride!!! 😂😂🤩🤩

Then......Let's begin!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩


Time skipped..........

It's being..... Week 5 of Gulf's pregnancy.

Gulf has become more and more moody. His emotions were changed from happy to depressed to angry for no conceivable reasons. Mew was getting scared but he has studied a lot of sited and came to know.... Its normal.

Mew even talked with his mom about this and she said the same. She always has mood swings in those days and she told Mew to take care of Gulf nicely.

Mew daily try his best to deal with his moody baby. Sometimes Gulf was asking to make soup and suddenly change his mind for bread.

Sometimes Gulf want apple, sometimes nuttela sandwich. Sometimes Gulf craved for honey dipped chips...... Sometimes chilly sauce Marshmallow.... Weird right? But he started having such cravings.

Mew gets frustrated too but he didn't give up. He took a lot of tips from Mild as mild has took a very good care of Gulf. He has all idea about it!

" Mewwww...... I'm feeling like I will break each and every vase in this houseeee!!!!!! " Shouted Gulf angrily while watching TV and suddenly get irritated. Mew sat with him and sighed.

" You can do whatever you want my love but why you feeling to break everything??? " Asked Mew innocently. Gulf groaned and sighed and placed his head on Mew's shoulder.

" I'm sorry I'm bothering you so much right??? " Asked Gulf sadly. Mew shook his head.

" It's normal my love. I told you in this journey of pregnancy... I'm always there. " Said Mew lovingly. Gulf feel so blessed to have new in his life.

Mew taught Type a lot of new things so that Type can also take care of Gulf like... Giving meds, feeding soups. Type always become happy when Gulf appreciate him for this.

On week 6......

Morning sickness had became a very good friend of Gulf. And Gulf hate the most! Every morning he ran towards bathroom and puked badly. Mew always got up whenever he heard puking noise and help Gulf to spill it all out.

" I'm so tired of this morning sickness!! Argh!!! Whatever I eat.... Just came out!! " Said Gulf and chuckled. Mew smiled and wipe Gulf's mouth with tissues and gave a nose kiss to him.

For Gulf this is not a new thing bit recieving Mew's special treatment make him more and more tantrum boy! Gulf realises his sense of smell has increased a lot!! Which gave him a perfect a lot of cravings of food.

But, Morning sickness just stuck with him around the second trimester, so it's best to find ways to cope.

Still Mew was trying his best to be with Gulf all the time and give all the attention to him. Gulf feel bad for Mew. He said a lot of times to bring mild here so that Mew can rest a while but..... But Mew didn't want to involve mild because he want to take care of Gulf by his own.

At week 7-8.......

Gulf was facing the another problem which was frequent urination. He was able to control. He started wearing loose pants ans loose shirts as his body feels like burning sometimes and loose clothes became his love.

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