Chapter Two / The Monster I

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Aaron walked into the prison cell, looking terrified

- What's up, man?

Jack greets him, as Aaron sits down on the floor.

- Hey...Um- You know I heard something.

- What?

- Some prisoners say- the- There is this secret prison- prisoner locked up some- somewhere in the building, the- they say he is one of the strongest creatures in the entirety of Carran.

- Wait really? That's cool as fuck bro

- Wha- What the hell do you mean by that?

- That it's cool, pretty simple message I think.

- You do know that basically means, there is a chance it will break out and destroy the prison.

- Think about it, is it really that terrifying, or do people just make it out to be so big and bad?

- I thought about it, and it turns out there is a chance it might be actually dangerous.

Just take this seriously, goddamnit Jack.

Aaron's tone changed, but his voice still wasn't as confident as Jack's.

- Well if something like that breaks out, we could flee, maybe?

- We could be chased criminals that way, couldn't we?

- Oh I know, we disappear, like in the movies.

- Jack, you do know that never works since The Modernization..

Aaron got angry at Jack for only concentrating on the uncertain events of the future, when he should be thinking about what's happening in the moment.

Now we drift away from our heroes, to see what's happening in the prison...a guard is acting quite suspicious, following random prisoners, around the building, usually that would be normal, but he now and then starts weird conversations with one or two, and usually the prisoner starts to look quite terrified...let's see what this guy is up to.

Okay so you're telling me, you don't know anything about the prisoner that is locked up far from the other prisoners.

Quite a dull voice, and bored look, like he isn't even interested in the conversation he started.

N-No, I don't know anything about that thing!

That thing? "What have you become, you bastard!"

The only thing I know is that there is a myth going around that it's actually a modified human experiment that has failed...

"Well you're technically not wrong" Okay, thank you, you can go now.

The prisoner ran away, while the mysterious guard wrote down some notes, into a small book. Suddenly his eyes stopped, and he looked a little shocked, then started asking around again, but he started running from prisoner to prisoner after a quick question..what was it, what did he see, why did the look on his face suddenly change?

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