-Chapter 3-

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liams POV (there wont be a lot of theseeee :p )

God what did i just get my self into taking a illegally drunk girl home?? the boys will freak out! i don't even know her! see Liam this is what bieng nice does.

i stopped the car at me and nialls house. thank God there aren't any paparazzi or else i would be screwed.

i got out of the car walking to sams side.

"sam sam sammmmm" i said shaking her but no luck.

i scooped her up bridal style and walked to the front door.

all the boys had crashed at our house last night after i left for the party. my parents worked with the wilsons when i was younger. that's how i knew them.

i slammed my foot on the door so maybe they could open it.

"Liam?" Harry asked groggely opening the door.

"i know i know ill explain"

"never thought you were the type that brought girls home payne" Harry smirked.

"uhhh I'm not she was drunk and didn't have a drive home"

"how old is she"

"17" i mumbled

"and an illegal one!" He exclaimed.

i walked over to the couch putting her down. she shoved her face into one of the pillows.

"you wouldn't believe who she is"

"who?" he asked questioningly.

"Samantha cleinville"

"no way isn't that like the daughter of that rich dude?" he asked

"mmmhhmm" i said sighing

"why are you sighing we have got one of the hottest girls sitting on our couches!"

"Harry she is not another one of your toys"

"i know i know" he said walking to a guest room.

i walked over to mine and collapsed on my bed drifffting off to a peaceful sleep

sams POV

i groggoly sat up looking at my surroundings. i barley remember anything from last night. i was sat on a white sofa. then it hits me i slept with someone again. i look down but my dress is still on. i squinted my eyebrows. what the hell. then i guess i didn't sleep with some one. i heard whispers from another room. i got up wandering to the kitchen. i need a Advil and bad. i opened and closet i think all of the cabinets. until i failed.

"looking for something?" a boy with a mop of curly hair came in and lets just say he made me drool.

"who the hell are you?" i asked.

"I'm Harry"

"were are the fucking advils kind harry?"

he chuckled. "we ran out"

i groaned. "and please tell me i didn't sleep with you ..... " i asked

"i have no idea"

"great so you were drunk too" i asked pinching my nose

"o no i wasn't with you Liam was" he snickered.

"who's Liam?" i asked

"LIAM!" he yelled.

"o my fucking God keep it low will you" i shrieked holding my head.

"o right sorry... " he said.

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