Chapter Sixteen: Kimchi Fried Rice

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By one o'clock, the three of them finish dipping, decorating, and boxing all of the truffles. Jungkook gathers up the gold, silver, and rose-colored boxes, going into the shop to restock the display, yet Taehyung stops Momo before she can follow after her father.

"Keep him distracted, I'm going to make us some lunch," he quietly whispers, and Momo smiles brightly, nodding her head before scurrying after Jungkook while Taehyung sneaks his way up the stairs to Jungkook's and Momo's apartment above. He feels like he is intruding a bit, however, he knows that there is nothing but baking supplies downstairs and that doesn't make for a hearty lunch. He kicks his shoes off in the doorway and hurries to the kitchen, humming to himself as he pops open the fridge to see what he has to work with. Jungkook's fridge is pretty sparse, limited to the basic essentials and a few random items. He peeks in the pantry and sees a bag of rice and some vegetables that need to be cooked, so he quickly gets to work making some kimchi fried rice.

Downstairs, Jungkook has noticed Taehyung missing. How could he not notice the curly-haired cutie's absence? He finishes stacking the last box and looks down at Momo who is humming happily while helping him straighten the tower.

"Pumpkin, where's Tae Tae?" Jungkook asks, and Momo just smiles brighter.

"It's a surprise, Daddy. Let's go clean up!" Momo skips off to the bakery kitchen and Jungkook laughs lightly, following along with his daughter's antics as she grabs a step stool and sets it in front of the sink. Jungkook gathers the mixing bowls and cookie sheets, taking them over to the counter beside the sink as Momo starts running the hot water. She grabs a bowl and rinses the inside with water before putting soap in it and scrubbing it with a sponge. Jungkook helps her navigate the large bowl in the sink, rinsing it off all the soap before putting it in a second sink that he fills with hot water and bleach, sanitizing his dishes before they dry. Momo scrubs all the bowls and Jungkook the cookie sheets before he takes them from the sanitation water and places them on a drying rack.

"Come, let's go find Tae Tae while these dry," Jungkook says, yet Momo grabs his sleeve.

"No, not yet! We can dry them first," she chimes and Jungkook lets out a sigh.

"What do you know that I don't, Pumpkin?" he curiously asks, but Momo says nothing. She only flashes him a big smile before grabbing a clean dish towel and handing it to Jungkook. The father chuckles under his breath before drying the dishes, passing them to Momo to put away. Which she does with a happy hum, buying Tae Tae more time for his surprise. However, soon they are done with the dishes and Jungkook decides he's had enough of waiting.

"Wait, Daddy!" Momo cries out as Jungkook heads for the stairs before Momo intercepts him. He looks down at Momo, brows quirked as he kneels down so he is eye to eye with Momo.

"Why am I waiting, Momo?" Jungkook asks, and Momo's eyes go big. She doesn't want to lie, but she also wants to give time to make the surprise lunch.

"'s a surprise..."

"You've said that but I also know that Tae Tae has had plenty of time for whatever you little gremlins are plotting," Jungkook teasingly says, and Momo giggles.


"C'mon, Pumpkin, aren't you curious too? I know I want to know what he's up to," Jungkook retorts, feeding into Momo's curiosity and he's fully aware of it. The little girl bites her bottom lip in contemplation before looking back up the stairs to their apartment above.

"Okay, Daddy, let's go! I can't wait!" she screeches and Jungkook laughs, patting her on the head before following his daughter up the stairs. Momo hurries and opens the door and an amazing scent hits them as soon as they step into the apartment. Momo's stomach growls slightly and Jungkook hums in approval. He follows his nose to the kitchen, enjoying the sight of Taehyung in his kitchen, wearing one of his aprons, with a wooden spatula in his hand. He dances slightly as he flips the rice in the pan, humming a comforting tune while finishing up lunch.

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