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Sleep deprived author here: sleep schedule went brr and I'm wide awake at  11:30 pm so I'm writing.

It had been three days since the kiss.

And it was on this day that Y/N was going home.

Lmao I'm writing at 11:46 pm while I'm on a call with someone where we're both meant to be asleep but I'm not falling asleep for some reason and I have to get up at 5 am.

Dream and Y/N hadn't interacted much, and when she had to go to the airport Dream simply said "Nice having you stay over." Almost as if she lived twenty minutes away, not an entire 9 hour flight away.

Sapnap dropped her off and let her choose the music while they drove.

"You okay?" Sapnap asked her


"Wanna talk about it?"


**day three of writing when I've had a collective five hours of sleep for the past three days**

Sapnap stayed with her until she had to go through security.

"So," Sapnap said. "This is goodbye."

Y/N heard his voice shake and she knew he was trying not to cry.

"Hey, c'mere." Y/N said, opening her arms to hug him.

He collapsed into the circle of her arms, a few tears dripping onto her shoulder and soaking the fabric of her shirt.

"Well Sapnap, I need to go. It was nice meeting you. Cant wait until I can see you again. Maybe you can come visit us in the UK? I'll force George to clean."

Sapnap chuckled and wriggled out of his hug with Y/N.

"That sounds good. Message me when you're home."

"Will do." She said, saluting Sapnap and turning to the security checkpoints

She felt Sapnap staring at her and she forced herself to not look back.

If she looked back, she'd never want to leave the U.S.

She got through security and was about to go to where she went to board before deciding to sneak a quick glance back.

Sapnap was looking down and wiping his eyes before he turned around and left.

And if Y/N hadn't turned around, she'd never have spotted the dirty blonde hair.

And although she couldn't see them, if she hadn't of turned around, his emerald green eyes lingered on her one last time.

Y/N stared at him before turning and walking to her plane.

Finally she could think clearly.

============================= 403 words

It's 11 pm and I've gotten a collective of four maybe five hours of sleep for the past two days.

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