Katsuki Bakugou's past/inspiration

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So Bakugou started off like you and me. He had a best friend named Izuku Midoriya and a very loving parents and then not so nice of one. In kindergarten he got his quirk, but Izuku ended up being quirkless so bakugou started to make fun of him. Bakugou made a nickname for izu, the name was deku meaning useless. But the bullying didn't really get bad until middle school when the making fun went to beating him up and still made fun of him. Both bakugou and deku wanted to be a hero to tell you more bakugou want to be no.1 hero and deku just wants to make bakugou proud. Bakugou's biggest inspiration was izuku Midoriya you might not believe me but it was true, but Izu had a great life even though he was bullied his mom was really nice, even though bakugou might have been really mean to Izu he never really meant it, it was more of a thing he did to prove himself to other people if you promise not to tell anyone he never wanted to hurt deku everyday once bakugou's "friends'' left he would help him with injuries so you can't tell anyone because i shouldn't even know i was just overhearing their conversation ok ok back to the story so bakugou's mom was abusive she would hit\beat up bakugou his dad on the other hand would alway try to stop it he never could but he would help bakugou just like bakugou does with deku. At one point Masaru had a enough of Mitsuki  and got a divorce bakugou stayed with his dad. A couple years later he got into UA which if you don't know what that is it is a hero high school. He is now happy and has real friends, not one that he needs to prove himself to that just like him for who he is. His hero name is ground zero

( I'm sorry it's short I don't make many long "story's" hope you like none the less)

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