Izuku Midoriya's past\inspiration!

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so Izuku started out just like bakugou but Izu didn't really know his dad but his mom was really nice and always wanted to make Izu happy and as you know from bakugou's story that Izu was bullied, but it didn't get really bad until middle school but even if when he got home and he had is mom bakugou and sometimes bakugou's dad was there and made sure he was ok but that didn't change anything.as you know bakugou came up with a nickname which was deku it started off a normal nickname for bff's but after bakugou got his quick everything changed deku no longer meant a good thing but now it meant useless. Even though he didn't have the best life at school he still was one of the smarter kids in his class. All Deku ever wanted was to make three people proud. The three people were almight,bakugou, and his mom. His inspiration was his mom because she was always there for other people and never did anything to help her-self she helped the poor and that led to Deku wanting to help other people. He also wanted to be a hero to save people to be just like his mom. A little bit later deku trained with almight and soon after got almight's quirk and got into a high.and became friends with bakugou again after 6-8 months later. His hero name became deku which now means hero that saves all.

                                                                           i know this sucks 

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