i miss you.

Days go by with no feeling except what happiness you give to me,

I cherish those moments with every ounce of my being.

They are the flitter of hope in my tragic darkness.

In this dimension and every single other my love for you stays strong, even if my transient soul forgets, you are forever mine in the eyes of the universe.

I look for stars in the night sky, hoping you're looking at the same ones, praying that connection goes two ways and you think of me as often as I do.

I don't ever want to be without you

for if I am a candle then you are a match,

Without you I am tenderly who I am, cold, lifeless, and solely for show.

I need you to fill my soul with beauty and love, or I will be forever stagnant,

not sturdy like a tree, but like a dead mountain, cold and brittle, ever eroding,

and covered in frozen emotion yearning to be alive again, yet unable to.

But there is hope entering into the void of my being

And that is you. You are the light to my darkness, inflation of love to the deflation of my sorrow,

The fire to the iron shell around my emotions, creating happiness and beauty with every breath and flicker.

So I thank you,

I could never repay you for all that you've done to keep the void from consuming everything I am.

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