What's poppin- done

What is popping?

My heart because you are like pop rocks!!

Resting with charisma on my red tongue.

For your talk makes me burst

In happiness and jubilee.

My dear you are perfect.

What is popping?

How unnervingly obvious, but

My pussy. My whole being.

For you it's constantly aching in anticipation

though I wish it to not.

To no success,

my thoughts are forever veiled like a waterfall

with the concept of you existing as the steady flow.

What is popping?

The adamant bridge connecting my soul to yours,

A nonstop flow of intense emotions .

Like stars

flying between us barely touching the unbreakable bridge,

Trying desperately to reach the other

The iron bars around my mind melt,

Dissolve, whenever you speak.

I can't stop it.

I pray to the gods I don't believe in,

please, don't ever let this end.

My dear,

I love you

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