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Paige's Point of View: 

“I cannot believe you just did that!” Sapphire giggled, burying her face in her hands.

I laughed as Zach shrugged shamelessly, a wide grin plastered on his face.

To be honest, I’ve always had quite the crush on Zach. His gorgeous features are really hard to ignore. But I’m off topic.

I, as well as my five other friends were currently playing a very interesting game of ‘Truth or Dare’ over Skype.

It definitely was not my idea to play this game. In fact, I was the only person in the whole group who was against playing. But so far, so good, I guess. 

“So, Paige,” Zach smirked, causing me to freeze in my seat, “truth or dare?”

Well, I’m definitely going to sound like the biggest pussy on earth if I pick truth over dare but at this point I really do not mind. These dares that are being thought of are way too extraordinary for my liking. 

“Truth.” I replied, causing my group of friends to laugh amongst themselves.

I even heard a, “pussy” come out of Monica’s mouth. 

I never really liked her anyway. 

As I watched Zach on the screen, I noticed he was currently in deep thought for a couple of seconds, before making up his mind. “So, why did you stick up for Bieber that day?”

And suddenly, there was the most awkwardest silence I’ve ever experienced in my entire life. 

Terrible images of Justin Bieber’s lifeless body filled my mind, I almost had forgotten that Zach had asked me something. 

I could remember it like it just happened a few hours ago, even though it had already been a year. A year, today, to be exact. 

The blood that surrounded his lifeless body, the sudden paleness of his face, the life slowly draining out of his eyes were images I could never seem to get out of my head.

“B-Because I had felt really bad. I still to this day feel terrible. The way he was treated that day was beyond rude and uncalled for.” I muttered, playing with my finger nails.

“Rude and uncalled for?” I heard Matt speak up. As he was about to say something else, Autumn spoke up for him. 

“The little prick deserved it.” She sneered, rolling her eyes. 

“How dare he scare us like that?” Sapphire mumbled, shaking her head.

Their words shocked me. Honestly, do people in this town have no heart?! 

“Guys, stop it.” I snapped, having enough of this immaturity.

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