the date😈

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you got ready and wore your creeper outfit uwu and you met up with imposter at grub hub tanaka hey shawty u lookin fine🥵 imposter said as they licked there lips t-t-t-t-t--t-t-t-t--t-t-t-t-t-t-t--tt--t--t-tt-t-t- thanks uwuwuwuuwu🥰 you said then you guys got a tabel and ate gundahm tanaka hair uwu and for a drink you guys a kokichi phanta and for desert yall had ibukis guitar strings😫then imposter noticed some guy staring at you he had red hair and glasses you noticed who it was IT WAS YOUR EX ED SHEERAN🥵(why did you brake up eddie😭).........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................TO BE CONTIED UWU UWU 

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