Chapter 1: A Normal Day in Amestris

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Authors Note
Hey! What's up people! It's an Fma and pokemon fanfic and it's my first crossover! Now before we start I need to get a few things straight. I do not own fullmetal alchemist or pokemon. If I did this would not exist and I'd be the happiest person alive. Anyway I apologize if any of the characters are ooc. To let everyone know this first chapter is mostly in amestris. Only the last paragraph is in the pokemon world and it is in the kanto region with generation 1 pokemon. Thank you for reading! Please review!

Chapter 1: A Normal Day In Amestris

It was a normal day in central. Colonel Mustang was working on his paperwork while lieutenant Hawkeye was cleaning her gun nearby when all the sudden a door burst open loudly. "Well if it isn't Fullmetal. Do you have your report or where you just 'short' on time?" Roy said, emphasizing the short.
A small tick showed up on edwards head but the fact that he did not try to pummel his superior was the first sign that something was up. "It's right here colonel bastard. Is that all?" He asked grumpily.
Looking over the papers Roy frowned. "It says you broke your automail again. I'm guessing the means a trip to see ms.Rockbell is required?" He probed.
Edward grunted a yea. Roy sighed. "Scar is still on the loose. You will need escorts. Hawkeye, is there anyone free?" He asked her.
Looking up from her weapon she shook her head. "No sir, unless you count ourselves." She responded.
"I see." He said before standing up. "Very well then. It looks like we will be escorting you and alphonse to rush valley."
Edward jumped up in appalled rage. "Uh uh! No way! You are not going with me! I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself! I have no need for any escorts much less a wet match who is useless in the rain!" He screamed.
Roy gained a tick mark on his head. "Oh yeah?! How do you plan to defend yourself when you have to jump just to reach your enemies head, eh shortie?!" He countered.
Riza stood. "Sir, I suggest you get back to your paperwork." She said as she wiped the cleaning cloth on her gun."Edward. The colonels decision is final. We will be escorting you to rush valley tomorrow. No complaints." She said.
Edward bowed his head in slight defeat and with a 'yes mamm' he left the room. He knew better than to argue with Riza.


Edward walked out of hq with a sigh. Suddenly loud clanking steps sounded the arrival of the younger brother. "So how did it go brother?"al asked.
"Great. Just peachy Al. The Colonel and the lieutenant are now going with us." He said grumpily as he plopped down on a nearby bench with a sweatdrop.
Alphonse shook his head at his brother. "It could be worse. It could be major Armstrong again." He added.
Looking up edward sighed. "Yeah. I guess you're right." Then getting up he said, "come on. I wanna get some dinner."
With that the brothers walked to the cafeteria where ed could get something to eat before heading back to pack for the trip.
The two headed into the cafeteria, got their food and sat down alone. Edward was enjoying the peace as he ate but he should've known it wouldn't last. Suddenly a picture of a little girl with brown hair and green eyes who was riding a tricycle was thrust in his face. "Isn't she so cute! We just got her a tricycle and she keeps riding it! She's like my own angel of cuteness come to deliver me hugs from her three wheeled chariot!" A man said as he wiggled with hearts in his eyes.
Sweat Dropping ed looked up with a sigh. "Hughes..." he whined stabbing a piece of broccoli with his fork.
Alphonse laughed at his brother. Hughes smiled. "So edward. What happened to your arm?" He asked after noticing the teen was eating with his left hand.
Ed lifted his sleeve showing some slightly flattened automail. "A wall fell on it." He said matter of factly before eating again.
Hughes looked at him as if he had just grown another eye before saying, "you should really be more careful."
Edward rolled his eyes as alphonse said, "Mister Hughes is right brother. If you hadn't been so impulsive we wouldn't even be needing to go get it fixed."
Edward frowned. "You think I don't know that? I wasn't being impulsive anyway. I was just... following my instincts. " he said with a shrug.
Hughes laughed at his comment. "Sure Ed. Anyway so I guess this means you two will be heading to rush valley then." He said.
Ed nodded. "Yeah. Only problem is that the stupid colonel and Lieutenant Hawkeye are escorting us there." He said as he frowned even more.
Hughes shook his finger at him. "Now Ed. Believe it or not those two end up worrying about you the more that you get hurt."
Ed laughed. "Yeah. Sure. Whatever you say. Are we done here?" He asked turning to Al. "
"I am if you are brother." He said as they got up and left for the dorms.


A small cubone looked up at the sky with a sigh. "Hey sam. Have you ever wondered what It'd be like to fly?"
Sam, an evee, turned at his sister's words. "Why wonder about something that won't happen? Is it to hard to be thankful for what you have?" He said tilting his head to the side.
The cubone smiled. "You're right." She said as she got up. "Well come on! I want to get to pallet down before daylight!" She said beginning to walk off.
Sam laughed. "Right, Max. I'm coming." He said as he rushed to follow her.

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