The Magical Devil King

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So I only saw one new request, but it was interesting when I looked into it.

Lint- If, like me, your wondering who she is. Apparently she's a clone of Freed Sellzen (Don't worry she's not a psycho like he is) that appeared in the light novel. She'll be after Irina.

3rd POV

In a room in hell a devil was currently moping around. The devil in question was Serafall Leviathan.

Serafall: *sigh* I'm bored.

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. A guard walked in with an envelope.

Guard: Lady Leviathan, there's a letter for you from your sister.

Serafall almost instantly appeared in front of him.


She says as she yanks the letter from the guard and then pushed him out the room.

Serafall: I wonder what Sona wants to tell me.

She opened the letter and immediately started reading.

Dear Serafall

I'm writing this letter to tell you what is currently happening here in Kuoh, and also to prevent another visit. Right now, I've found a normal boy named Y/N who seems to possess knowledge of the supernatural, including a lot about various devil houses. He's also been able to give me a good challenge in chess. Other than that, everything has been the same.


After reading the letter Serafall was not in a good mood.

Serafall: Guards! Get me all information on a boy named Y/N!

Meanwhile in the student council room Sona and the girls in her peerage were talking about Sona's letter.

Tsubaki: Are you sure it was a good idea to tell your sister about Y/N.

Sona: It would only be a matter of time before she learns of him.

Momo: But what if she attacks him?

Sona: I trust that he can get out of this situation on his own.


I was currently playing with the cat that showed up at my house. She really did remind me of my old cat with how she acted. I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard the doorbell go off.

Y/N: Who could that be?

After getting up I noticed the cat left. She apperently does this when people show up, not sure why though. I got to the door, opened it and saw a woman dressed up in some sort of outfit.

???: Are you Y/N?

Y/N: Yes, why?

She pushed me inside and the door closed behind her.

???: So you're the one who got Sona's attention.

Y/N: You know Sona?

???: Of course I do, I'm her sister.

Y/N: You're Serafall Leviathan!? One of the four devil kings!?

Serafall: The one and only.

I was honestly kind of scared, from what Sona told me her sister was terrifying. Although something about her outfit seemed weird to me.

Serafall: What are you looking at?!

Y/N: I-its just, your not what I expected a devil king to look like.

Serafall: Let me guess, you think I look like some overgrown kid.

Y/N: N-n-no.

She looked surprised by my response, so I tried to explain myself.

Y/N: If its something you like, you shouldn't feel ashamed about it.

All of a sudden, she started hugging me. After a while she let go.

Serafall: Sorry, its just, you're one of the few people who don't find how I dress silly.

Y/N: Like I said if you enjoy it then you shouldn't let others bother you about it. Unless you're forcing it on people, then there's a problem.

Serafall POV

Wow, to think there is someone who doesn't think I'm childish. When I heard Sona was interested in a guy, I was a bit worried. She may claim that she's too smart to fall for anything and that I overreact, but just because she's smart doesn't mean she can't be tricked or outplayed.

Y/N: Are you okay?

Serafall: Sorry, its just, you're not the kind of person I was expecting.

Y/N: What do you mean?

I told him about Sona's letter and how I thought he would be some sort of scumbag that was after her. He said it was alright, but told me that he was scared of me because Sona described me as some crazy person. After talking about things for a while, I realized he wasn't a bad person.

Serafall: Well it was nice talking to you, but I should probably head back, but before I go, I want you to have this.

I gave him something he can use to summon me.

Serafall: Use this when you beat Sona, okay?

Y/N: Okay.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek before using leaving. I'll admit he is kinda cute. Now all I have to do is wait for him to beat Sona in a chess match.


I was going through the mail when I spotted an odd letter with a symbol on it. The symbol looked like it was from the Sitri house. I opened it and read what was on it.

Dear Y/N

It appears you have gotten the attention of my two daughters. I will admit this is no small feat, in fact some would say its impossible. Nonetheless I look forward to meeting you one day.

Lady Striti

I was surprised to get a letter from the one of the heads of the Sitri household. They're normally very secretive and rarely interact with anyone else.

Y/N: I guess I'm getting a lot of attention huh.

If your wondering why Lady Striti didn't meet Y/N, its because there's no official image of her. If there is anyone you'd like to see, leave a comment.

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