Chapter 1

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I think the best part of the day is when the sun sets, every sunset is different, but every sun set is beautiful, it's nice to know that no matter how ugly this world gets one thing will always be beautiful. "Ava where the hell are you table 4 wants more coffee and table 6 is waiting for their food" Lisa yells from the back door of the dinner.

"Sorry was just on my break, I'm on it now" I yell back and make my way back into the diner.

"Someone's in trouble" I hear Jace say from the kitchen.

"Shut up and get back to work" say with a small smile and head back to the front, I hear Jace laughing in the kitchen, god he thinks he is such a joker, you wouldn't think it if you sore him he is a big guy that looks like he could throw you across the room without breaking a sweat.

"Ava table 5 wants the bill" Lisa says.

"Also have a look at the cute guy at table 7 dibs" I laugh as Lisa walks over to the table to take the 'cute guys' order. Lisa is such a flirt, she would flirt with anyone and everything no matter their gender, race or age, I once sore her hit on a 45 year old women in a club, but she would never be in a relationship, she would say she is too young to be tide down and she needed to live her life. I loved the way she was so carefree and did whatever she wanted which include dying her hair a new colour ever week, this week it was black with her ends having a bit of purple and blue in them. I have been working at this dinner for the past 2 years and Jace and Lisa and I have become good friends, I could not imagine my life without them.

After a long 8-hour day mu shift is over, I look at the clock in the back of the diner and see that it is about 1am, I take a deep breath out of relief and enter the kitchen.

"Hey guys I'm off I will see you tomorrow night" I say and grave my things, I hear several goodbyes from the other waitresses and cooks and hear Jace mumble some kind of joke and Lisa scold him.

I only live a bloke away from the diner which is good because I don't have a car, as I walk home I have a smile on my face even though this was not the life I imagined for myself I love it and love the people I have in my life.

"Hey hot stuff where you going?" a group of guys yell from across the street, not having the energy to deal with them I turn to take a short cut in the alley, but the guys cross the street and run to catch up with me, as they get closer I can smell the alcohol on them, one of the guys takes a step forward and grips my arm.

"Hey I'm talking to you" I look around to see there are 4 guys 2 guys are standing next to the guy holding my arm the other guy has moved to stand behind me.

"And I'm not listening to you drunk idiots" I try to pull my arm back but the guys grip tightens, the guy behind me placed his hands on my shoulders, I take a breath not having the energy for this.

"I will give you 10 seconds to get your hand off me before I break them" they all laugh but don't move an inch.

I take another breath and then push them so they all stumble back, I swing around to kick the guy behind me in the face and he falls down holding his face, the 2 guys that where standing next to the guy that was holding my arm step forward to get me but before they do I punch and kick them in the face and groin until they fall to the floor, the guy that was holding my arm looks at me with disbelief.

"Who the hell are you" I smile and take a step towards him, but before I can say or do anything he runs away, his friends follow him, cowards. I pick up my bag and continue my walk home.

Now you might be thinking what the hell just happened, well let me tell you a story once upon a time there was a young girl, she grew up far away from this place in a small village, when she was a young girl she was left at the door step of a pub, she grew up there learning that if you are not tough then you are weak and people walk over the weak. This young girl got into a lot of fights and learnt a lot of lessons from the people that took her in, one of these lessons where kindness is one of the most powerful things in the world.

If you haven't guessed it yet I'm the young girl, I could tell you my whole story now but where is the fun in that, the only thing else you should know is that when I said the village is far away it isn't on earth, I know crazy right, I am from another world called Fangon, no I'm not an alien I am from another realm. I was sent here for my safety and was told I would be brought back soon, it's been 3 years since that day and to be honest I'm not too sure if I want to go back, everything back there was so hard and I had nothing, here I have so much great friends a fun job and going to university to become a history teacher. This is all I want now, as selfish as it sounds but I don't care.

I walk out of the alley and down the street until I can see my apartment building. When I get in my apartment, I can hear music and smell something delicious, pizza my favourite.

"Hey how was work" I hear my roommate and best friend Alice yell from the living room.

"It was fine, what are you doing up? Don't you have work tomorrow?" she hands me a piece of pizza and a drink.

"No but we have class tomorrow and I wanted to make sure you had something to eat and I may have had a boy over" she says sheepishly, I laugh.

Alice has always looked after me since we met 3 years ago at university, Alice is studying to be an engineer and works part time and her uncles garage, you wouldn't know it looking at her but Alice is a tomboy, loves to get her hands dirty and can make anything out of scrap. Alice then starts talking about the guy she had over, it's nice to see how happy she was from a random hook up, you see she just got out of a long term relationship with our friend Dan who we met at University studying some science thing. Alice has had a lot of trouble getting over him as he is still in our friend group and we see him almost every day at University.

We stay up and chat about work and boys for little bit longer until Alice is about to fall asleep, I take her to her room and put her in her bed and say good night. I then get ready to go to sleep and put on my pj's but something catches my eye, I see a green flash outside of my window. I then look out my window and see the alley, I know it sounds crazy because my life is great here but sometimes, I miss the action and adventure from my old life, you never knew what was going to happen. 

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