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"No, it can't be... It's impossible."

Jimin: I'm sorry y/n ... I think it's time...
I should tell you everything.

Hobi: yes you're right Jimin...
Y/n please follow us.

Y/n: hmm ...

I didn't know what is going on... I was confused and my mind is full of questions... And I want answers... That's why I followed him without any question.

We went to the living room where I saw two familiar but unfamiliar faces...

They were shocked after they saw me...

Hobi: mom dad please sit down... Let us explain everything then you can ask whatever you want.

Mrs Jung: oh my daughter... I can't believe you're here...

She cupped my cheeks.

Mr Jung: omo... where were you in all these you know how much we missed you...

I was giving them confused look... Cuz I didn't know them ...

Mrs Jung: what happens Hye In are you okay?

Hobi: mom dad ... She's not Hye In, she's s y/n .... Kim y/n.

They looked at me with shock... I nodded..making them confirm that hobi is right.

Y/n: I'm y/n... Sister of Kim Nam Joon and Kim taehyung.

Mr Jung: and Seok jin??

Y/n: Seokjin?? Do you know him?

Hobi: y/n: relax let me explain everything...
But when i'll explain don't ask anything in between ... Ask everything when I'm finished.

I nodded...

Jimin: Hyung wait. Shouldn't we call them too??
He gave Hoseok a questionable look...

Hobi: Yeah you're right...
Who are they talking about...? Whose 'them'?
Maybe some more people... Maybe they are criminals? Maybe mafia?? Oh no ... What if I'm right...

Jimin understood what y/n was thinking...
'Y/n please stay calm... I want you to know every little thing... Everything that we are going to tell you.'

I nodded...

Hobi on call...
' Hyung... Please come here ...'

'We are telling everything  to her'

'Because she wants you guys to answer her too'

'I don't want to argue here... Please come to our place.'

'Okay ... I understood'


He heavily sighed...
I can tell that he was not ready to tell everything but of course, now I know that they are hiding something that I should know.

We were waiting...
I was waiting ... Very patiently... Too much patience...
Jimin was sleeping ... Cus his head was paining ... He told us that he won't sleep in his bed cuz of me... Until they come...

Well... I'll not lie ... He is looking really cute...

 I was thinking to poke his cheeks but startled due to the crick sound of gates

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... I was thinking to poke his cheeks but startled due to the crick sound of gates...

Y/n: hope you will fix those gates.

Jimin was up too...
Hobi: Hyung thanks for coming but why you're so late???

???: sorry...
I recognised this voice...

I followed this voice and after what I saw shocked me...😱


I was angry... So angry that I can kill all of them... At once...of they knew where I was, why they dint came to save me???

Hobi: jungkook, yoongi hyung, namjoonie, jin hyung, but where is taehyung??

Jungkook: he is-

Taehyung: Sorry I'm late.

Hobi: come please...y/n please sit ... Ill explain everything.


Jimin: No y/n, please... If you want to know why I was calling you Hye In... If you want to know who's that girl same as you... You have to stay.

He holds my wrist.
He's right... I have to stay calm... I want to know everything... I want to know who these people are... I want to know who I am.

Y/n: okay... But stop touching me without my permission.

Jimin: sorry...

Taehyung was about to laugh but he stops himself....y/n gives him a death glare.

Suga: Can we start??

Hobi: yeah...

Y/n: explain...

Hobi: y/n ... Hye In... Was my sister... Not real but still my only beloved sister...
...when she was 21 she met Jimin and they both fell in love with each other... I didn't know that ... I never thought that my beloved sister will hide something from me. We used to share everything... But maybe I was so overprotective brother... I was unable to accept that she has her own privacy...
... I decided to kill him (Jimin)because I thought he doesn't love my sister ... He just wants to use her... As other boys do...
One day when I was returning from. My work... Y/n was in danger ...some mafia tried to kill her... I was so panicked I didn't know what to do... Then Jimin rescued both of us...
But still, I was unable to accept Jimin...
But I never tried to separate them... because of the failure feeling I had before... I was losing my hopes...

We were like a happy family... My mom and dad were always away so ... Namjoon and jin hyung were the mom and dad of our family... See this pic... This is the pic she took... The day before the tragedy...

 The day before the tragedy

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The mafia kidnapped you... And tried to make you... His... He tried to. R-rape you... But she was not that weak... She fought him... But she was so much weaker than before that he almost made her his... But Jimin killed him but...

Suga: but Jimin was so out of his mind that he killed Hye In too.

Hobi: there was so much commotion... The war between Jimin and that mafia ... Though Jimin was not a mafia he was not that weak... But too weak to control himself... His anger...

He sighed...

Y/n: so why I am here?? Why am I included in this??? Why don't you guys just let me go?? And why didn't you tell me before??

Jimin: because you ARE included here... And we can't let you go...

Y/n: I do- wait! Wait! Wait! ... What do you mean Hye In was 21?? Was jimin younger than her?? Because what I can see is... Jimin looks like he is 25-26 years old... Not 40 or 45. 🤔😐

Suga: because y/n we ar-

Jin: yoongi!!!!!

Y/n: what happen jin Oppa... Why did you stop him?? Yoongi Oppa say. Please...

He looked kind of scared but wanted to confirm so look at Jimin and he nods.

Jimin: because we are not what you see...

We are.......

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