The plan

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Gotham city acquiesced into night, the chaos of the daylight succumbing to a slumber beneath the stars. Bruce found himself in awe as he stood atop the Wayne tower, his cape flowing carelessly in the breeze as he gazed upon the city below in admiration. He found himself taken aback at the peaceful beauty and grandeur of his beloved city. But the majesty and beauty of the scene below soon faded. Bruce heaved a laborious sigh, as his mind soon became infested with thoughts of the corruption and greed which governed it. Bruce knew that the battle was far from over in order to bring Gotham the justice it so desperately craved.
He was all too aware that crime spread like unwanted weeds, lurking in dark corners, dwelling within the hearts of even the purest of Gotham's citizens.
"Such a beautiful city, such a pitiful shame it gets tainted by the hallmarks of evil." Bruce reflected, watching the ant sized cars and lights flickering below.
He was interrupted in his reflections by the distinctive sound of high heels clicking from behind him.

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" The velvety voice remarked as Selina stood beside Bruce, peering down upon the awe inducing scene.
"Selina." Bruce sighed, perturbed that his quiet moment of reflection had been rudely interrupted. "Been a busy night for you, has it?" He inquired, as she spun to face him with a seductive smirk. She retrieved a diamond bracelet from her pocket, and dangled it in front of him.
"Always busy Bruce, you know that." She replied with a wink. Bruce shook his head in amused disbelief.
"You know I should tie you up right here and now, and dump you on Gordon's doorstep."
"I bet you'd love to tie me up, wouldn't you batty?" She whispered, trailing his armour with her slender fingers. "Well, you'll have to catch me first." She playfully added, before cartwheeling to the opposite rooftop ledge. She bent down, resembling a cat, her fierce eyes piercing through the darkness. "But I'm a little busy at the moment. And come tomorrow you will be too."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Bruce asked, agitated yet intrigued by catwoman's constant aura of mystery and ambiguity.
"Word is, Joker's got a plan going with Scarecrow, and they're planning on storming the mayor's fundraiser benefit ball tomorrow night. Apparently that Harley Quinn is doing his bidding."
"Interesting.. and why would you be telling me all this?" Bruce approached her, unable to conceal his intrigue and curiosity about her.
"Because I might need a favour in the future. It's simple business, really." She leant forward, placing her lips inches away from his. The tense silence between them was deafening.
"You might want this." She whispered seductively, her gentle breath upon Bruce's lips. She tossed Bruce his watch, which she had stealthily stolen, and before he could retaliate she had disappeared into the enveloping night. He laughed and shook his head. That was Selina.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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