Chapter 2

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Akemi watched with amusement as Syalis stretched and yawned. Akemi herself had only gotten a few hours of restless sleep, so she was quite tired. "I slept like a royal log." Syalis muttered to herself and Akemi smiled softly. Then Syalis looked in a mirror and gasped "Are those sheet marks I see on y perfect face?" Syalis then covered her face with her hands and said "I was so happy with my perfect pillow, that I failed to notice the state of the sheets in this castle. They're just as dreadful as the pillow was. Of course, it could also be the position in which I sleep." 

Syalis lifted up her bangs and looked in the mirror again as Akemi braided her hair in a French braid for the third time in the past hour. Her hair reached to the middle of her bicep when it was in a braid. The beautiful dark brown looked beautiful against her pale skin. 

"Why is it that I sleep with my crown on I wonder. Oh, yes, because my bangs are unruly and distracting otherwise." She then gasped and continued "I could make a headband from the silky remnants of my perfect pillow." Just then a demon who had a smiling bunny mask covering half of his face, waked in holding two trays. "Princess, your nourishment. My my, sleeping beauty awakes and I believe this to be our first meeting. Nice to meet you." He began to say as he set down one of the trays and Akemi began to drown him out as she gazed outside and felt tiredness overcome herself. 

Akemi was brought back to reality as she heard a loud banging noise, and she turned her head to Syalis' cell, and she saw that the demons arm that consisted of scissors had managed to fall off partly and there were multiple pairs of scissors on the floor. "Goodness. I suppose it was just a matter of time. I need to find another way to affix them." He said as he began to bend down to pick up the scissors. Akemi watched as Syalis held out her crown to the demon. "Your crown? For me? But what for?" The demon asked and Syalis said "I'll trade you, for a pair of your scissors." "These old things? Why take as many as you'd like." The demon said and Syalis grabbed two pairs. The demon smiled and walked out of the cell locking it behind himself. 

The demon walked to Akemi's cell, and he said "Nice to meet you, Princess." He spoke as he sat down the other tray. Akemi smiled tiredly at him and said "Very lovely to meet you as well. But please do call me Akemi. We are not in my castle or my land, so my title is not significant." The demon smiled widely and said "I quite like you. I hope we'll get to interact more." He said and walked away.

Akemi watched in silence as Syalis made her new headband, and She smiled at her little sister. Once Syalis was done with her headband she looked in a mirror again and noticed the sheet marks still on her cheek and she spoke to herself "Goodness, I almost forgot I haven't solved the issue of my bedsheets yet. But what am I to do with such massive scissors?" Then a demon wearing a beautiful shimmering cape walked past their cells and Akemi saw the look in Syalis' eyes, and she knew she would be going on another adventure.

Syalis summoned the teddy demons by clanging her brush between the bars of her cell door and the two came flying with hearts in their eyes. Once Syalis had brushed them she let Akemi out of her cell as well and the two began to walk the hallways. Syalis cut off the capes of anyone who was wearing one and Akemi silently watched as her younger sister cut off everyone's capes.

They saw three dog like demons wearing red capes and Syalis cut one of theirs off just as one of them said "She must be punished." The dog demon turned to look at Syalis, and he yelped loudly and yelled "That's mine." Syalis grumbled to herself and said "This won't do at all." Then she walked off and Akemi followed after her sister with a deep sigh and a quick apology to the demons.

Syalis was beginning to become annoyed and Akemi was growing worried for all the demons and just then a familiar white shimmering was seen in the corner of their eyes. They watched as the demon untied the cape and the cape seemed to be alive with a face and arms. "You made the job so much easier. Thanks for the help, Ghost Shroud." The demon said and the flowing piece of fabric replied with "It's been my pleasure." Then the two high fived and Akemi watched with interest.

Syalis rushed forward and cut off most of the fabric as the demon yelled "Ghost shroud NO!" Syalis then walked off and Akemi apologized to the demon profusely after following behind her sister. 

Once at their cells Akemi watched as Syalis set the fabric on the bed and jumped onto it as she soon fell asleep. Akemi sighed as she felt her body become tired, but she knew she wouldn't be falling asleep anytime soon. So Akemi just sat on the edge of her bed and watched her sister sleeping peacefully. 

The demon king once again walked to Syalis' cell door, and he threw it open to see that she was fast asleep and the quilled demon asked "Would you like to try this again tomorrow sire?" 

The demon king then turned towards Akemi, and he asked "How does she keep sleeping so much?" "She has a natural talent. You wouldn't happen to have anything that would help with falling asleep, would you?" Akemi asked quietly, and the demon King shook his head and said "No we don't. And we can't really just share everything with our hostages." Akemi sighed disappointedly and said "That's okay. I understand. Well I hope you will have a nice night then." 

Akemi laid down as she heard footsteps moving away. She rolled around in her bed for a few hours before she finally drifted into a restless sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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