Who are you?

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"Come on James, please?" asked Steve nicely. "No Stevie we gotta go! Or we are going to be late!!" Bucky argued back. "Please?" Steve pouted at him. Bucky being in love with Steve as he is, he gave in. "Fine!" Bucky pouted but kissed Steve on the cheek and Steve smiled at his boyfriend with so much love in his eyes that Bucky blushed. Bucky and Steve were arguing over who was going to fly the quinjet, to Steve it was his job to fly it, you see they were going to go on a mission with some of the team to a HYDRA base they had found. They were a few minutes late because of the argument. "Stop arguing like a pair of children!!" Natasha shouted. "Yes ma'am" They both saluted like they were back in 1943.

"Why are we going to this hydra base again, Nat?" Clint asked with a confused face. "Because there is a project that HYDRA is having but J.A.R.V.I.S is finding it hard to pick it upon scan, so we are going there to see it for ourselves." All Clint did was shrug and that got him a slap on the head from Natasha. Both Bucky and Steve laughed at Clint glared at them but both the boys stopped laughing and pretended that they didn't laugh; acting innocent.

They all got on the quinjet and went to the destination. "What is the name of the place we are going to again?" (A.N anyone get that Narnia vibe? Just me? Oh, okay then!) asked Clint, very confused by the name of the place they are going to even though Natasha told him over 15 times before they even got on the jet, y the way this was in the last 10 minutes so Natasha was very annoyed by this point. "It's in North America Clint, for the 16th time! And yes i have been counting!!"

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time skip!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the quinjet got there the Avengers were not surprised to see HYDRA agents shooting at them. All they did was roll their eyes and Natasha, Clint and Wanda went to attack but Steve told them "me and Bucky are going to go inside to see what their new project is! And if it is a program we will destroy it." They nodded then Bucky and Steve both went inside the building through an entrance they found, well more like they both broke the door down. When they went inside they were very surprised by what they found...

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you very much for getting this far! Sorry if it is not very good, I'm not very good at writing sometimes! 454 word count! Also I'm so sorry it is very short! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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