Chapter 6

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*Y/n's POV

It had been over a week since I last saw Mick. During that time, I continued working and visited one of my cousin's house a few times to play Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. Speaking of that game,  my favorite character is Edward Kenway, I am not too sure why...anyways, I wondered why Mick hadn't contacted me at all, well, except for this one text message I received from him 12 days ago while I was at work and he was with this one girl at God knows where doing God knows what. I sat up on my bed and opened up my phone to see if I got any new messages or missed calls when I saw that a random number called me last night while I was working. I decided to call it back.  


"Hello, y/n. This is Sam Cooper, I apologize for calling you last night. I was just wondering if you have been in touch with Mick recently? My team and I have been trying to get in touch with him. We have also talked to the people around him but no one has spoken to him recently." Cooper said over the phone. 

"The last time I saw Mick was at the bar I work at 12 days ago. I did get a message from him later that night, though." I responded. 

"Would you mind reading it, please?" Cooper asked.

"Not at all. Ok, so it says, 'Hey, I am going on a vacation for a while, take care! :)' If you don't mind my asking, how come you are worried about Mick? I would assume that since he told me that he was going on vacation, he would have told you and your team too. " I said. 

"Look at the message again, that doesn't sound like Mick at all. From what I know, you two are very good friends. Now a good friend wouldn't usually give another good friend some big news without describing it unless there was way more to the story that they couldn't or wouldn't want to share. I am surprised that he didn't at least send you any pictures or other small messages to at least update you on how his vacation is going. What also doesn't add up is that Mick didn't tell you ahead of time. Speaking of which, since I am not only Mick's colleague, but also his boss, he would have had to tell me long beforehand. He knows how important his job is. I believe that Mick may be in trouble. Now that message you received, I received almost the same exact one. It says, 'I am going on a vacation for a while, from work. Take Care.' Something is definitely not right here." Cooper explained.

"Come to think of it, when I first saw the message I thought that it seemed so out of his character to write it in a way where it was neither descriptive nor friendly.  The message seems like it was written in a way where it was rushed." I responded

"Agreed. By any chance, do you have any other information? Even the smallest details can help us find out about where Mick is, and what is really going on." Cooper questioned.

"You know what, I do remember that there was this girl he left with at the bar and well...from there I can't really recall of anything else. It's like my memory has blocked away what she actually looked like. I wish I could be of more help, Cooper." I said.

"What's your current address?  My team and I will pick you up so we can talk more in person and get to the bottom of this" Cooper said. 


At my apartment, the whole team sat down on my couch as I poured them all a cup of coffee. I sat down on a chair so I could face them. 

"Now I know you said that you don't remember what the girl that Mick left with looked like but do you know if he was talking to anyone? Perhaps looking for someone new in his life?"  Cooper asked.

"No, Mick would have told me if he was dating someone or looking. He never mentioned anyone new in the picture." I responded. 

"I think I got it. Maybe, this girl he was at the bar with was just a random girl who approached him and got him to leave with her." Prophet said out of the blue.

Behind The Rifle (A Mick Rawson x y/n Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now