perfect in my eyes

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Third year of UA is a bit rough...well really rough. So many people are busy with internships at agencies, and they work hard. Very hard. However...there's always one who is left out.

[Y/N] [L/N].

They're an amazing person. Always nice, supports her classmates, and they're always there for them no matter what. But it has become hard to be there for others because of how busy they are.

A sigh left [Y/N]'s lips as they sat in the third year classroom, their [e/c] hues focused on the paper before them. It's homework, not some special application for a hero agency. No one really wants them.

The quirk they have is called Luck, they have the ability to increase or decrease someone's strength, attack power, speed, defense, and stamina. When increasing, they give their partner their stats, but when decreasing, [Y/N] can take them, but only certain ones like strength, speed, defense, and stamina. The heroes see the quirk as somewhat villainous, so no one really wants them.

"This is so...frustrating!" Yelled [Y/N] as they run their hands through their hair in annoyance, only to pull at it later. A groan left them while they sat back in their seat.

The room is empty, and it feels like the only thing that would be watching is the clock, and the windows. It's an unsettling feeling that could make someone shiver in fear. It's scary, and whenever someone, they practically scared [Y/N].


Hey, they know that voice.

Spiky blonde hair would come into view, as well as ruby red eyes that looked tired, but still angry as ever.

"There you are. I'm surprised you haven't gone to the dorms yet."

[Y/N] falls silent as they look down at the math paper on their desk, a defeated sigh leaving their lips.

"Stuck on a problem?"

They nod.

The blonde sighs, taking off his gauntlets and setting them on a different desk before grabbing a chair and sitting himself next to his partner. He knows that [Y/N]'s worst subject is math, and yet...they have never asked for help.

"Okay, watch, this is how you do it."

The fellow third year would show [Y/N] how to do the problem, but it wasn't enough to keep them from feeling like a failure yet again.

"There, now you try."


Normally [Y/N] is loaded with confidence, but ever since third year started, they've been hiding so much, and never let's it out. They don't want to burden anyone, but they'll let someone talk to them about their own problems.

"Hey look, you solved it." Katsuki leans in to kiss their forehead. "Good job, I'm proud of you."

The two went towards the dorms , heading for Katsuki's room. Once there, the blonde set everything down and sat on his bed, patting his lap for his partner to sit on. [Y/N] stared at him before closing the door and walking sit on his lap. The blonde smiles.and presses their lips together.

[Y/N] didn't mind it, the kiss, but it only made them feel worse. Does he want to be with someone weak forever? Maybe he should get a different partner. The [h/c] haired figure would pull away to look at their explosive boyfriend.

"What's wrong?"

"I just..." Tears began to form in their [e/c] eyes, causing Katsuki's eyes to go big.

"Who the hell hurt you?"

"No one! Just...why me? Why me?! I'm literally the weakest person in the school which is why I'm not an intern yet! I want to be strong but..." Those tears fell, rolling down third cheeks quickly. These aren't the happy tears that Katsuki has seen so many times.



"I said. Strip."

Bakugou would pick up [Y/N] before setting them down next to him. He would then get up and walk to his desk, opening draws to look for something. While he did that, [Y/N] began to strip them self of their clothing. They aren't as toned as Katsuki sense they have a smaller body, but that doesn't mean they aren't toned.

"Once you're stripped, lay on on your back, on the bed."


They did just that, laid on the bed, their front facing the ceiling. Katsuki turned around, holding a marker, but not just any marker. [F/c] marker.

"What're you-"


He takes off the cap, putting it at the end of the marker so he doesn't have to hold it. Kneeling onto the bed, the blonde looks up and down [Y/N]'s perfect body, wondering where to start. He chooses the arm. Bakugou begins to write the perfect words down that describes his partner. Perfect, strong, absolutely amazing, kind, mine and so many more. Lovely, powerful, my future, and the words he writes make him smile.

The male would keep writing until he pulled back, putting the cap back on the market, and then placing it down on his nightstand. His hands would slide up [Y/N]'s sides before stopping to hold them. He leans down to kiss a certain spot he wrote on.

"Hmm...amazing." He spoke, planting another kiss somewhere else on their body. "Powerful." Another kiss. "Beautiful." Another. "Mine."

[Y/N]'s face would flush deep red as Katsuki did his treatment to their body, something new that got them embarrassed, but it also made them feel loved. Katsuki would keep kissing over the words on their body until he got to them all.

"Do you understand now?" [Y/N] would nod slightly before getting an explanation from their boyfriend. "I don't care if you're in an agency or not, and I don't care if you're powerful not not. I love you for who you are, that's all that matters to me. Hell, I wouldn't care if you were more powerful than me, I'd still love you for you. You're strong, an amazing person, and absolute gorgeous, so stop saying such negative things about yourself."

There's something about this side of Katsuki that always makes [Y/N] feel special and cared for. It might be because he never shows his softer side to anyone else. No, that is the reason. Tears would fill [Y/N]'s eyes again, and within seconds those tears would flood and pour from their [e/c] hues.

Katsuki would smile. These aren't the sad tears, but he still moved his hands up to cup their face, his thumbs wiping the salty water from their cheeks. The blonde would lean in and kiss [Y/N] on the lips with a gentle passion, earning the same amount from his partner.

[Y/N]'s hands would move to place over Katsuki's cheeks, their thumbs gently rubbing the skin under his closed eyes. They both pulled away, a smile curving up Katsuki's warm lips.

"I love you, [Y/N]."

There way he said it was different from the other times. Much different. A sweet smile takes place on [Y/N]'s face as they lean in slowly.

"I love you too, Katsuki. Thank you."

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