Meet your caracter: jordan

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Mom: okay boys, it's your first day of kindergarten. Listen to your teachers and I will see you 3 at 1 pm okay.
Hello, my name is Jordan. And just like my other 2 triplet brothers we are starting kindergarten today. I am the oldest of the triplets btw. I was excited to be able to meet other kids than just my 2 brothers and I was happy to finaly go somewhere else than the playground from across the street. As soon as our mom walks out the door of course Henry, the youngest of us 3 starts crying. He is a real cry baby. Mom says she is going to take him to a doctor to check if he has (insert word that I don't understand here) my other brother emediatly grabbed a toy box and poured it in the floor. The teacher called him out and then called us al to our seats and started explaining what we are going to be doing in kindergarten. I was excited because I wanted to learn. They day flew by. I did a lot of cool stuff like playing but most importantly learning more about the world. After the day our mom picked us up and took us home. Me and my brothers taking turns talking about what a great day we had. Except for Henry who was just sitting in a corner and next to the teacher for the whole day. Wel I did have a fun time and got to meet some kids that have the same things we like and we are already becoming friends.

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