Chapter 1.

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It's 6:15 in the morning and I'm getting up and ready for school. I hear my mom coming in the room to get me.

" Cierra wake up and make sure you get your sister's up to." she says to me opening the door

"Ugh okay. Why can't they get their own selves up in the morning?" I ask her

"Because you do it so much better. Plus if you don't get them up they won't get up. So get your ass up and get them up." she says to me

"Okay god."

So I get up out if bed and start to wake my two sisters up. I go to the living room and wake Savanna up. After that I go and wake Cheyenne up. They didn't really wanna get up this morning which I don't blame them because it was a Monday and who likes Monday's anyways. After I got my sisters up I went to my closet and got my T-shirt out and the went to my dresser and got a pair of blue jeans. I go plug my straightener up and get it heating up. While I'm waiting I brush my teeth and make sure my sister's are getting dressed and ready.

"Shy!!! Savanna!!!" I yell

"What do you want Cierra?" Yelled my middle sister savanna

"Nothing I was just wondering if y'all were up."

"Yes we are up now shut up and leave us alone." she says to me with a cocky attitude

After I got done seeing if my sisters were awake, I checked my straightener to see if it was ready. I started to straighten my hair. I looked at the time and it was 6:40 the bus was gonna be there any minute so I had to hurry and get my things and make sure my sister's are ready and have all of their stuff and we hurry and go outside. We are out there for maybe 5-10 minutes and the bus comes. I got on the bus and it is crowded as always but it's really quiet you can here some of the high schoolers and elementary kids talking but I go and sit in the middle if the bus where I'm suppose to with the middle school kids. See I'm in the 7th grade and I have a bunch of 6th grade friends which is actually kinda funny since I'm in 7th grade and some of us 7th graders have this rule that you can't be friends with 6th graders but that's not me.

So I went and sat with Launa one of my best friends. Me and her have been friends for almost 3 years and we are really close we tell each other everything.

"Hey cierra!!" She says to me as soon as she sees me


"So how was your weekend?"

"It was okay besides my moms dick of a boyfriend." I say

See my mom has this boyfriend that I really don't like at all he is always a dick about everything. I'm not aloud to leave the house or go outside unless my mom says I can which is very rarely because she is scared of her boyfriend.

"Oh what did he do this time?" she asked

"The same as usual. Not letting me outside and always yelling at me for the stupidest shit." I tell her



So after awhile we both got really quiet. We got to my sister's school and we had to sit there for a few minutes because we got there early. After we dropped my sisters off we went and picked up a few other kids and then went to the high school. We dropped off the high school kids which was a lot, I'm pretty sure the high schoolers over rule this bus cause there's so many of them, we went to the middle school and I got dropped off and went in. I get there and Caleb is walking right up behind me. Did I forget to mention I have the biggest crush on him I have ever since last year when we had the same class and he was always nice to me.

"Hey beautiful." he says to me

"H...hey." I say back to blushing my ass off

"You look great today."

"Well not really I just threw on something but thanks." I try not to laugh when he said I looked great

"Your welcome but you still look good in anything" he says with a smile

After he said that he walked away and I was just surprised cause he said that. Me and Caleb are really good friends but I don't know if he likes me or what I'm scared to tell him that I really like him because I don't wanna ruin our friendship. So I go and I sit on the bleachers and Caleb sits on the end. See the gym teachers are the ones that sit down there with us and watch us. They have this policy that boys and girls can't sit with each other so they split us down the middle and boys sit on one side girls sit on the other side. I sit on the bottom bleacher and wait for my friends to get there. Y friend delylah got there and Emerson and Lauren got there.

"Hey girls." says Emerson

"Hey." I said back but everyone else was really quiet

We sat there but didn't really talk much. It was time for us to go to breakfast but I never go because I'm not really much of an eater.

"Hey cierra you coming?" asked Lauren

"Umm no I'm good I'm not really much of a breakfast person." I say trying not to laugh

"Okay see ya when we get back." she said laughing


After that her and Emerson and delylah went up the gym steps and out the double doors to breakfast. The gym started filling up fast before they got back and it was starting to get loud. There is so much more 8th graders than there are 7th graders. It was almost time to go to our lockers before Emerson and all them got back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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