Chapter 8

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You're sitting at the counter at work bored out of your mind, Monday's are always the slowest. You pull out your phone and text Gaege.

Lil Goosey🐥: I'm so bored only 3 people have come into the store all day and I still have a whole hour left before I can go home.
👑King Juicebox🧃: I'm gonna come up there and annoy you until you get off.
Lil Goosey🐥: if you don't buy something I'm kicking you out Gaege
👑King Juicebox🧃: wow you'd do your best friend like that? That's cold ouch
Lil goosey🐥: I'm gonna go pretend to be busy so Nova doesn't make me clean the back room I'll text you when I get off

You hop off of the stool behind the counter and slip your phone into your back pocket and decide to start refolding the shirts that kids had picked up but never bought. About 10 minutes into folding and reorganizing the shirts you hear someone come into the store and put on your customer service voice, "welcome to HotTopic we're currently having a sale on funko pops! If there's anything I can assist you with I'm y/n just come find me and I'll gladly help you out." You put the last shirt in its place and turn around, when you return to the counter you're met with Gaege's dorky smile. "Yeah, I heard you guys have a sale on hot goth best friends so I figured I'd come in and see what all that was about" he laughs looking around the store. "I thought I told you before if you're gonna bother me at work you've got to at least buy something." You shoot him a look and his eyes scan the displays on the counter, "well I'll take this black nail polish and ummmm one ticket to join your horror movie night with Nick tonight." He places a bottle of nail polish down. "Hmmm I'll think about it but if you're gonna be up here long at least pretend you wanna buy something other than a 5 dollar bottle of nail polish so my coworker doesn't think you're my boyfriend or something." He turns and walks over to the funko display, "not your boyfriend yet." You roll your eyes and wipe the counter down, "I heard that Gibson." He picks up a pop figure and returns to the counter to check out, "I know you heard me, dummy. And what am I supposed to do until you get off Nick is mad at me right now and she might beat me up if I go to your house before you're there." You shrug and ring up his items, "should have thought about that before you broke her favorite mug." You respond putting everything in a bag. "It wasn't my fault! It was on the edge of the counter and she was trying to shoot me with a nerf gun!" You laugh and hand him his bag, "go find something to do and I'll see you when I get off." He sighs dramatically mumbling to himself in the Juicy voice and shuffles out of the store. You smile and begin putting away things left in the dressing room by customers, he's the cutest dork ever but he's your best friend and if you let it slip that you like him he'll never let you live it down. For the rest of your shift you're basically cleaning the store since Gaege was the last person to come in while you're  working. You clock out and meet him by the food court, "you can relax now your favorite person has been freed from work and can now give you all the attention you crave. I also got you a replacement mug to get you back on Nick's good side ." You hug him handing him the small bag containing the new mug and you make your way to the parking lot. "I'll meet you at your place." He half yells as you head your separate ways to your cars. You climb into your car and start it then pick your phone up to call Nick. She picks up on the third ring and you put it on speaker immediately snitching yourself out, "dude so Gaege came to see me at work and I don't know how I realized it but I think I'm actually developing feelings for the idiot. I don't mean like when I used to watch his videos and simp over him either I mean like serious feels" You pull out of your parking space and head towards the 7-eleven. She laughs and responds through her giggles, "I've definitely noticed it, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out." You shake your head and pull into the convenience store parking lot, "dude we've only been friends for a couple of months I can't tell him it'll ruin everything." You sigh putting your car in park. "I'm going into 7-eleven right now to grab some snacks for tonight since he invited himself. You want anything?" You question taking off your work name tag and grab Gaege's hoodie out of the back seat pulling it on. "Oh, dude I'm definitely gonna tease you about this until he figures it out himself. But yes I'd love some snacks, get lots of candy and chips." You roll your eyes and set your phone down, "alright I'll be right back." You get out locking your car door behind you and head into the store heading directly for the snack aisle. You text Gaege on my watch to see if he wants anything.

It started out with a Polaroid (New Chapters In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now