||for the next millennium||

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Season 3 episode 1

"Kol, you quite done?"Elijah asks him as Kol is drinking somebody neck.

"Bother, Elijah, is all this truly necessary?"He asks him.

"Brother, the road is a major thoroughrlfare. If the bodies are found, word of our presence will spread to Mikael."Elijah answers.

"We have run through autum and winter, through sleet and snow. Are we cursed to forever live in fear of our father?"Rebekah questions.

"I should say yes,sadly."

"Finn, please. Niklaus."

"Do we have any idea where we are running to next?"Rebekah questions him.

"Why not just do what we've all though of doing? Spilt up."Kol said as the siblings sighed.

"We swore our vow."

"Your vows haunt me more than father himself! At least he can't chase us all. I say we take our chances."Kol says to his siblings.

"Perhaps Kol is right."

"Thank you,Finn. Yeah, I've always said eldest is the most intelligent."Kol said talking loudly.

"Stop talking. I take no joy in our assent but I do wish to sleep a bed to bathe in a bath, to feed of proper food. If we divide."Finn said to them all.

"No, brother. Family above all. Always and Forever."Elijah promises them.

Weeks Later

"Who's ready for the next course?"Kol asks.

"You're all filthy gluttons."Finn said to them truly.

"And you remain ever the dullard."Kol answers back to them as Rebekah stares at the women clothes.

"Such pretty clothes. What a shame they'll go to waste."Rebekah said talking to herself.

"Rebekah, we have discussed this endless."


Elijah is with the three of the babies as Xavier plays with his toys and Blair and Hope playing with their blankets a car comes by.

"Hell of a spot for a picnic."An police said getting off of his truck.

"Yes, if you can tolerate the mosquitoes it's actually rather serene. Finger sandwich."He asks him.

"Trouble is, you're trespassing. This whole area is now property of kingmaker land development. In two years, it's gonna be a golf courses and condos."He said to Elijah.

"I take you're not on the board of directors."

"My team and I are animal control. There's been an influx of wild predators."He said to him.

"Wild predators."

"Wolves you could believe it. Killed a half dozen last night. Theses babies can take a head clean off. Anyway, um, I'm gonna have to ask you to clear out. ASAP."He says and Elijah attacks them.

"Call off your men. You leave this place. No more dead wolves."He compelled him.

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