coomgle with obama, gets dementia.

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you straight plug walking when barack obama appears before you. "I'm sorry about the 20 feet rule", barack says. > bob says "sexuelle Beziehungen zu deiner Mutter haben" "That doesn't sound very convincing" barack says "What?" you say. > bob shits cutely. Barack claps his hands. "The cutest stench! I'm sure Tucker will love this!" he says. Tucker stumbles out of the office. "What's going on?" > coomgle eats the shit "mmmm ymuy" he says. Tucker looks disgusted. "What is that?" he asks, "it smells horrible." He rubs his hands down his crotch and walks away. "Yeah, that's what I thought." > bob says "this isnt poggers" "What's not poggers?" barack says. "This building. I think you're using the wrong one." Barack thinks for a second. > coomgle does barack obamas mom. "Who else could it be?" barack says, "there's got to be another..." > bob says "nacho libre by nacho libre from the hit movie nacho libre featuring nacho libre" Barack steps back, looking up at the building. "Nacho libre?" he says, "I love that movie." > coomgle watches barack obama with nacho libre. "Nacho libre!" barack says, "Let's go!" He turns and starts running up the street. You follow, and soon, you arrive at Nacho Libre. You walk in. > bob says "nacho libre moment" You walk into Nacho Libre, the film's theme playing. You find a table by the window, and sit down. "Is Nacho Libre playing?" you say. "Yeah." "Great." > coomgle ejactulates to mr. nacho libre. The two of you sit and enjoy the film, which is a hit with barack. Afterwards, you walk around, taking in the sights. Eventually, you find your way out of the building. > bob says "that was a very nacho libre" You walk out into the parking lot. You spot Tucker, the guy with the glasses from the first floor. "Hey Tucker." "Hey, dude, where's your car?" he says. > coomgle says " coomgle love nacho libre, what about coomgle John F. Keneddy. "I don't know. How should I know?" "Coomgle, we have to go get my car." "You're stealing my car?" then a nuke detonates and obliterates the entire city. hours after the blast coomgle wakes up miles from where he was when the blast hit, the screams of the people being crushed by buildings while simultaneously burning up from the heat fills his ears. he is immune to the heat and radiation but he isn't immune to the screams ingrained in his mind. the screams playback in his head until he loses his mind. then, he brakes, coomgle loses his mind as its the only coping mechanism for the screams of the dead that constantly fill his head. he is sent to a padded room until he is fit to be sent back to his job. months later, the memories are gone but the stress from the memories leave their mark, as he is unable to work. > coomgle orders a large peperoni pizza while watching a very grumpy cat christmas. You order a large Pepperoni Pizza. "Pepperoni?" the man behind the counter asks. "Yes." "Yes, we do have Pepperoni." You watch TV while you wait. coomgle has a ptsd episode in the little ceasars and screams as hekills the casier in an attempt to make the suffering end. weeks later, the screaming has died down to minor incoherancies and paranoia. You watch TV while you wait. "We don't have Pepperoni." You look up at the man behind the counter. > coomgle wakes up in a hospital bed, no one is around. Left with his own thoughts, he tries to remember how he got there. He can't. In fact, he can't remember anything. He is only left with the constant screaming in his head from that day. He sits and wonders "Am I ok?", then someone walks in. "Hello?" a young voice says, "I am Doctor Kurschner. You are in a hospital." "Where am I?" "in a hospital" Doctor Kurshner. coomgle doesnt realize what a hospital is as he cant remember what one is like. You try to say something but can't. You're not sure what is available to you. "Do you remember anything?" "Can you stop the screaming?" > coomgle tries to get up but is restrained by the doctor. "You are in a hospital. You are restrained. What do you remember?" "Can you please let go of me? What is going on?" The doctor's hands release you and you sit up quickly. coomgle is taken to a government facility where they begin taking tests on him into his natural radiation immunity and various other things. In the end, they determine "something dramatic" happened to him so they keep him at the facility for further observation. This leaves him unable to work and living on government assistance. > coomgle all the while, has no idea what's happening or where he is. He tries asking the doctors but the either ignore him or just refuse to answer his questions. He feels like everyone wants to hurt him. He is left alone for hours and in those hours he begins making plans to write a novel about his life. You don't remember anything. You have no idea where you are or what's going on. In fact, you can't remember anything at all. suddenly coomgle remembers everything. in fact, he remembers all, everything that has ever happened comes into coomgles mind and he quickly starts sifting through the memories of everything. He remembers his wife, he remembers the screams, he remembers being a Jewish man in Auschwitz even though he wasn't alive for it. he remembers the feelings too, the feelings of petting a dog, the feeling of watching nacho libre, the feeling of the gas entering his lungs and suffocating, the cool rain hitting his skin as well as the warm sun. all of this happens to him in a fraction of a second and he handles it by recounting aloud, he begins telling stories of his friends, his wife, his grandfathers time in the British navy, the story of a troop deployed in Vietnam. the government workers take note and begin to plot on how to use him to their advantage. he remembers life in a coma and everything that's happening right now. he can sense the presence of humans, he can sense their every move. he can tell when they are sleeping and awake. > coomgle then gets stabbed in the back of the neck. he is out cold 10 minutes later. when he wakes up he is on a lonely road in the middle of a desert. he knows exactly where he is, he is at 36.4526834, -114.7010636 in Nevada, United States of America. He also knows if he walks south west he should go into las vegas nevada. so he begins walking, recounting all the memorys in his mind. for the first time since he watched nacho libre, he is truly happy. In the middle of the night, Youoo are woken by a noise, you look at the doorway and see a human looking figure. > coomgle knows that he locked the door. is it his loving boyfriend of 2 years? it can't be, he's right next to coomgle, sleeping soundly. then, they figure starts moving closer. coomgle is scared, is he going to die, is he going to get kidnapped? then, he notices who it is. its barack obama, covered in scars, badly burnt, just like how he saw him when the nuke hit... barack obama gets close to coomgle and whispers "Why did you do this" barack obama is dead. he died 2 years ago, in 2012. this is just a spirit taking shape, letting him know that he isn't actually going to die. barack obama shits cutely onto coomgle's chest and leaves... but Coomgle isn't sure whether to be scared or happy. > coomgle coomgle gets up and goes downstairs, barack obama is gone, all thats left is a note that reads "when that cold brew hits" coomgle reads the note and goes into basement. there, he sees a fridge and opens it up, finding a cold coke within. he pops the top and downs the can in one gulp. > bob says "coom" bob looks at you without moving. he then looks on at the floor and slowly shakes his head. "I'm sorry, I just don't understand what you see in him." > coomgle is offended. "bob remember when we watched nacho libre" bob looks at you with a stare that could melt your brain. "Did we watch nacho libre?" "Yes!" "No." bob cooms, pulling a book off the shelf next to him. he opens it up and starts to look at the pictures. > coomgle says "bob, please, we watched nacho libre." but bob doesn't remember. bob is confused, who is he talking to, where is he, what's a nacho libre? then the book is closed. bob, barack obama, and coomgle all agree that they shouldnt have wasted their time and money writing a book, and throw them in the trash, before going to watch the screening of nacho libre. the end. A year passes... The noises in your basement get louder, like someone is moving furniture, or something. the end of days draws nearer. Things fall into place, it's one of the nights before the big game. You open up the door to your basement and see a shambler. > coomgle the end. Coomgle the shamble shambler slowly walks towards you, you go into a combat stance. The noises downstairs are getting louder. Something is definitely happening. "hey karl" the end.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hey yall, sorry for the formating error, ill fix it in the next one. hope you guys enjoyed, i'll upload as frequently as possible. cheers.

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