pope, jesse, cum man and coomgle senior so stuff

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children's medicine." "Oh! Well then I guess I better go get it, don't want the little dears catching a fatal illness. Wait here. > Pope Francis says "I actually think we should let them all die." A month passes. The vaccine you created is indeed working, but it's still not enough. The contagion has already taken a heavy toll. > roooyun lets test the new drugs they all got from the mee students on them and bet on who lives the longest. You proceed to give out the drugs in alphabetical order, and measure their effects. You begin with the batch that had the most potential side effects, the amalgam you formulated with meek's blood. > Jesse says "And now we wait" Two hours pass, and six people are left. "Now we wait," you pronounce. "What do we wait for?" Mantis asks. > coomgle sr says "i am old man very old so old" "We wait for the people to die," you reply. "When there are only two of them left, we'll save your life." "You do realize we could all leave at any minute, right?" > Pope Francis says "But why do that when we can gamble on our virginity?" You don't reply. "You in?" Mantis asks. Coincidence is a strange thing. > roooyun jumps up in down in excitement from the idea. The first eliminations take place in a few hours. Until then, the remaining sixteen adventurers huddle together, clutching their guns and trying to look battle-ready. > Jesse says "How did this happen" "How did what happen?" Pope asks. "How did we get ourselves into this situation?" "I was the one who suggested going on this quest in the first place!" > coomgle sr grab big rock and throws out his back. "I don't see what the big... Oof! " You run over to the old man, who is now on one knee, clutching his back with one hand and grabbing a large rock with the other. > cum man says "cum man" "What?" "C-C-C-C-C-C-C-M-A-N!" "Oh, fuck! Stay back, I'm a doctor!" > Jesse says "What the shit is that thing!?!?" You're too late. Mantis has already raised his axe, and charged at the old man. "Jesse! No!" The rock crashes into the side of Mantis' head, killing him instantly. > coomgle sr says "haha i kill with big rock i am old" "Come back here, you old man," Jesse says, addressing the rock giant. "You can't just kill people for a joke." "You hooligans won't do anything worthwhile in your lives!" > Pope Francis says "Man, do I have a raging erection" You turn to the giant. This man certainly seems odd, but you've seen stranger behavior in the military. "Hey, sir, why'd you kill that guy for?" He stands up, towering over you. > cum man says "i have a bomb" A strange sound coming from the giant's pocket interrupts this. The giant pulls out his cellphone, and begins tapping on it. "What's going on?" > Jesse looks for a weapon because wtf. A quick scan of the room reveals several things that could be used as a weapon, but Jesse grabs the only lethal one he can reach- his shotgun. "What's your name?" > coomgle sr says "i am old man very old i am going to die in ten years" "Hago." "Right. What's going on?" "The vaccine you gave us isn't working. The virus is mutating, and claiming yet another victim." "How soon?" > Pope Francis says "You guys remember Uncle Iroh from Avatar? He probably had a massive cock" "Within a week." "Then it's already late. You need to get that vaccine out to me now, or I'm dead." "We're working on it." "Then work faster." > cum man says "man i gotta shit, whos hungry" "Sir, our food is shitty military issue shit. It's not going to kill anyone." "It might. The vaccine I have could." > Jesse says "At this point, I should just blow my head off" "You sure?" "Yeah." "Then do it." Jeshes takes out his pistol and shoots the giant in the head, blowing his brains onto the wall behind him. > coomgle sr says "oh nooooooo, i am old man dying please i had 20 more years of pension please oh no" "Jesse!" you shout. He turns to you, an insane grin on his face. "Oh yes. This is going to be fun." You don't have time to think. You just act. > Pope Francis says "I'm about to bust a nut right now. Can you guys give me a second?" You try to reason with Jesse. "Jesse, you need to stop this." "Maybe I don't want to stop it." He raises his gun and shoots you in the stomach. > cum man says "im cum man" You're hit so hard that the gun discharges in your stomach, propelling you into the opposite wall. The wind is knocked out of you, and for a moment you can't see or breathe. > Jesse says "Take that, you Pope shitbag" Jesse walks over to you. "I don't know if you're the type to give a last message, so here's something for you instead." > coomgle sr says "ooooo i am spooky ghost im going to haunt a waffle house" Jesse puts his gun to your head. "Now, this might be the last thing you hear for a while." You try to nod to indicate that you understand, but Jesse doesn't give you a chance. > Pope Francis punches Jesse in his penis with his limp fist. Jesse's eyes widen in surprise as he falls to his knees. "Jesse!" you shout. You grab your gun and point it at Jesse. "I thought we were friends." > cum man says "limp fist more like limp bizkit amirite fellow bizkit bumpers" "Fuck you!" Jesse spits out, to which you reply with a quick shot to his head, blowing a hole in the side of his face. You stand up, shocked that you killed him. > Jesse well fuck Jesse is a ghost now. Jeshes body disappears, and in its place is a ghost. "That's one dead Pope, one dead cowboy, and one dead biker, but is it enough?" > coomgle sr says "oooooooo cum man you should join us as ghosts so we can go scare some folks ooooo ghost noise" "We're already out numbered, and have nothing but time to plan." You pause for a moment, before another idea hits you. > Pope Francis says "What the fuck do ghosts do? This is bullshit." The ghost of Jesse stops in confusion for a moment. "How do we beat these guys?" he asks. "I don't know..." the ghost of Pope Francis says. "Hey, wait a minute!" > cum man furiously shits on the carpet. "If we join forces, we could be strong enough to scare them." "Scare who?" the ghost of Jesse asks. > Jesse summons a demon. Soon, a winged beast appears before you. "What the hell is that?" Pope asks in awe. "It's a demon." You reply. "Are you sure?" > coomgle sr says "its certainly a demon you dumbfucks" "Jesse, will you shut the hell up?" the ghost of Bill asks. "Yes, I think we can scare them." The POPE says. "Alright then, let's go scare some demons." > Pope Francis says "Alright, nothing is scarier than a ghost dick, so I'll smack the demon with my ghost dick." "Watch out!" the ghost of Bill screams as the puddle demon charges at you with open mouth. You catch him and close his mouth before he can bite you, or even say boo. cum man vores the puddle demon as the other demon slowly comes into the room. "Alright, which one do you want me to take down first?" you ask, noticing they appear to be evenly matched. > Jesse says "Aren't you a pope, exorcise these fucking demons" "Yes, and I'm also the motherfucking demon killer." The Pope replies. "But... but didn't you say you were scared?" "I lied." > coomgle sr grabs a very sharp pen and proceeds to write out a screenplay about how cum man vored the puddle demon. You turn to the other demon, who stands back watching you. "Alright, let's try this again." "I'm not fighting them." Bill says, fiddling with his crucifix. > Pope Francis says "WHO THE FUCK IS BILL!? LIKE WHAT THE FUCK?!" "Ignore him, he's easily scared." You stare at the demon. "What the hell do you want?" "You." "What do you mean, 'I want you?'" cum man unlocks his full potential, becoming as close to a god as a mortal can. he uses his newfound powers to get a trulely unlimited fries at olive garden !" "We want you to rule Hell." You stare at the demons in shock. "I... well, ok... > Jesse shoots the ghost of Bill. Bill's ghost stares at you in pain and terror from his position on the staircase. "I can't take this anymore!" he screams. > coomgle sr begin to chat about olive garden with THE cum man. "Hey, uh... how about we work out a trade deal." "Hm, what did you have in mind?" "I'll let you use Olive Garden if you spare the Pope." "Done." > cum man says "one more condition, i want everything on the menu permanently free" "Really?" you ask. "Hell yes!" "Then... got a deal, meet me there after the next round." coomgle begins to plan his way to a free meal. > Pope Francis says "Woah, am I alive and do I get free shit from olive garden?" "Yes, you fool." The POPE replies. "Now leave us, let's talk shit." "You go talk shit to the manager, I'm sticking with this guy." > Jesse says "So demons, can I still rule hell with them going to olive garden?" "Sure, though it might be best if you were to befriend them rather than work with them, hell is a harsh place and people tend to forget that." Jesse nods, and the demons begin to leave. > coomgle sr says "POPE FRANCIS YOU HAVE NOT SHOWN GRATITUDE TO ME AFTER I SPARED YOU! GIVE ME ONE REASON WHY YOU SHALL BE KEPT ALIVE" "Erm... thanks?" "Are you fucking serious? He doesn't know!" the POPE complains to the cum man. "Well teach him then!" > Pope Francis says "Yo, cum man, i need some serious dick right now. Can i borrow yours?" "EWW! no!" "Come on man, you're not going to go all night?" "No" "Damn... well if you need it, let me know" > cum man says "pope francis how do you feel that because of my recent godhood, my sole existence renders your entire religion obsolete" "What?" "I'm serious!" "So am I, you believe in the same god." The Pope looks at you, and you stare back. "Well... we believe in a higher power." > coomgle sr says "damn yall wack as fuck" while pissing into his own mouth while making direct eye contact with the pope. "Fuck you" "Go eat ass" "Oh yeah, that's real original" Jesse opens a portal to hell and begins his rule never to be seen again. The demons begin to flood into Olive Garden. "Well, this has been fun, but I've got shit to do" "Yeah, me too" you reply. > coomgle sr says "NOOOOOO NOT THE FUICKING OLVIE GARDEN NOOOOOOOO AHHHHH" You and the Pope stare at the demon as it begins to destroy Olive Garden. The demons start to eat the staff and customers, the Pope looks on in horror. "That's a damn outrage!" he cries. > Pope Francis says "You know what? FUCK THIS! If I can't have olive garden, I don't want to be alive again." The Pope pulls out a penknife and stabs himself in the heel. He lets out a yell in pain as he bleeds out on the ground. The demons stop their rampage as they stare at the bleeding Pope. cum man, using his godhood, not only rebuilds the entire olive garden using the flick of his fingers. he also resurrects everyone in the story. Jesse is so amazed by what the cum man does, he kneels down and worships him. > Jesse says "You know what I serve cum man know and all my demons should too" "That's the spirit Jesse" You let out a small chuckle, as you head home with this little alteration to your routine. > coomgle sr goes back to his humble abode to go soak in a pile of human flesh grinded into a gelatin type mixture. You on the other hand, you head back to your duties. > Pope Francis says "Yo, where is my home at anyway." "(Sigh) Jesse you know you're supposed to be quiet when you play right?" cum man voilently throws the pope back to the Vatican where the sheer speed of the impact is enough to pulverize the city and turn it to ash, while the Pope lies there bleeding from his head, he slowly gets up and continues starring at Jesse in the eyes until you are done playing. > Jesse says "Like, I know this is Uno but shouldn't we go to a hospital" "Jesse you should know by now that hospitals wouldn't help anyway" Jesse realizes the truth in this, and stops his worried wailing. > coomgle sr says "game over all you fuckers go to sleep its like 1am you insomia riddled idiots" The Pope looks at you, and gives a small triumphant smile. "Thank you" he says simply and collapses. "Jesse, you better be careful with that damned demon around" The end the end The end------------------------------------------------------------

this took all night -w-

i said im doing this daily but ive been busy dealing with twitch.

hope you enjoy :))

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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