True Love

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There's many ways to know when your in love but the best way to describe it is like this: when that's the first person you think about when you wake up and before you go to sleep. When that's the person you worrying about the most when it's comes to anything that can be harmful to them rather it be mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. When that's the person you miss the most when ya'll are apart for too long or haven't talked to for a while. When you have just random thought of that person at the most unexpected times. When that's the one person you know you can be yourself around without holding nothing back. When that's the person that would stop anything in the world to come to you if your hurt or if you just need to talk. When that person is someone you would give your last to without hesitation or regret. When you trust that person completely with every fiber of your being; mind, body, and soul. You know your in love when that's the only person on your mind and know matter who you with or see, they are the only person you see when you are looking through the eyes of another man or women, they are all you see, everything and everyone else fades to the background. That's when you truly know when you are in love. And that's how I feel about you!!

🌟 B. Keith M. Jr.

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