Three: Izzy

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I follow the man inside, walkig carefully so I don't hurt my back more.

He turns to me and smiles, "i'll take you to the hospital wing so we can check out your back."

I nod and walk with him until we reach a set of double doors. He opens one of them and holds it open for me. I smile and thank him, walking inside. Instantly, I can smell hand sanitizer and cleaners. The man leads me to a hospital bed and pulls back the curtain.

"So you feel more comfortable, let me go get the nurse we have. She'll take good care of you." He walks off and I sit down, groaning slightly when pain runs through my back.

Soon, a woman wearing white pants and a white jacket walks up to me. Her black hair is pulled back into a tight bun and her black eyes are behid a pair of glasses. She gives me a warm smile and holds out her hand for me to shake, "Hello Miss. I'm Madame Worthington. What seems to be the problem?"

I shake her hand and smile, "I'm Izzy. I was being chansed and the guy threw a rock at my back."

She helps me up and she has me turn around, "Take of your shirt dear. Your back could be bruised."

I do as she says and painfully peel off my tight shirt, clenching my fists slightly.

I feel her cold fingers across the top of my back, running across my tattoo, "Does that hurt?"

I shake my head. She moves her hand to the middle of my back and I yell out in pain, "T-There..."

I hear her write something down before she turns me around, "Well Miss Izzy, mos likely your back will be severely bruised for a while. I'll put a bandage on you so for now you can relax before we start training. Okay?"

I nod, biting my lip. She then takes the bandage, wrapping around my back. Before she puts it over the future bruise she put a small sticky bandage there.

"It's like an ice pack. It'll help ease the pain and it should last about twenty four hours." I nod and sigh when I feel the relaxing cool of the ice pack. She soon finishes wrapping it and smiles, "Okay, you're done. You should get to bed and lucky you, we have an open room right down the hall. Just keep walking until you see the front doors amd then keep going until you reach room 16A. It should be unlocked with a key to lock it inside."

I nod and smile, "Okay, than you so much."

She nods and pats my shoulder, "You might want to keep your shirt off tonight just so you're comfortable. The rooms tend to get hot. And don't worry, most people are asleep by now."

I nod and smile, taking my shirt and I walk out of the room.

I bite my lip as I walk down the hallway, keeping my head down. I flinch when I accidentally bump into someone.

I keep my head down, murmuring, "Sorry."

I quickly walk off befre I hear their response and I keep going until I see my room. I take a deep breath and walk in, looking around. The room is pretty small. A small bed sits in the corner with a nightstand and a light sitting on it. The walls are a light purple and the floors are a dark wood. A desk sits against the other wall with a chair sitting at it. A stack of paper, notebook and pencils and pens in a cup sitting there. On the wall beside the door, there is a small closet, two doors closing it.

I go over and open it, seeing several pairs of sweatpants and t shirts folded neatly. Two pairs of converse shoes, one pair white hightops, the other pair black hightops.

I sigh and shut the doors, taking off my shoes. I sit on the bed, slightly surprised at how comfy it is.

I lay back and get under the covers, turning out the light and dozing off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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