What Can I Say?

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A/N: I had to write this..... It's no 'Moonlit Cries', which I know I should be updating, but.... I had to write this, I had to post it... Dedicated to draconicgoddess for her help and support in all of my writing, but especially this one!! <3 you, Tobi~! Rated for...... IDK, reasons... Mostly for Izzy's language...

WARNING! This story contains yaoi (boyxboy). Don't like? Don't read. (... That's what I always see people writing when they say a story contains yaoi...) It is a fluffy story~!

WARNING (part 2)! Contains City of Lost Souls spoilers!!!

Disclaimer: I do not own Magnus, Alec, Jace, Clary, Simon, or Izzy. Or The Mortal Instruments series (although I do own a copy of all five of the books~! *wink*).  They are the property of Cassandra Clare, and I do NOT claim ownership over any of them.

On a bed pulled in front of a window, a tall figure sat, silhouetted by the moon shining through, with no curtains pulled to block it. The tall, pale boy sat with his head in his hands, crying softly.

"Alec? You ok?" an uncertain voice said form the open doorway, casting a long shadow across the floor.

The dark-haired boy, Alec, looked up despondently at the shorter, fair-haired boy in his door. "Jace... He broke up with me... I screwed up, badly, I made a huge mistake. And he left me..." He started crying harder.

Jace's amber eyes widened, and he crossed the room to sit next to his best friend. "Alec..." he said, feeling his heart constrict with the strength of his parabatai's pain and heartbreak. He gently, tentatively, put his arms around the other boy, hugging him.

"Th-the... The worst part was, h-he said 'aku cinta kamu'... 'I love you'... A-and he still..." Alec's voice trailed off sadly.

"What else, Alec? Tell me what happened."

"He said... He never wants to... To see me again... Or any of us..."

"Oh..." Jace hugged Alec harder, and Alec hugged him back, tears still leaking from his dark blue eyes.


'I thought you were dead... I thought you were dead... You were dead... Dead...'

Alec's words of joyful relief when he had spoken during the battle kept echoing through Magnus's mind. Then, his desperate plea for forgiveness: 'Give me one more chance...'

Magnus sighed, stroking a small white and gray tabby cat. "I love him, Chairman Meow... I really do..."

The tiny tabby mewled softly, yawning.

"Yes, I know I broke up with him, but I had a reason..." 'Didn't I...?' he added, to himself.

Blinking slowly, Chairman Meow turned to look at his owner.He stared balefully at the warlock. He opened his mouth, as if he  were going to say something.

Suddenly, Magnus's phone began to ring. Sighing again, this time in annoyance rather than sorrow or depression, he placed Chairman Meow on the couch next to him and got up, striding across the room to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" he said in annoyance.

"You bastard! Why the hell would you do that to my brother?! He was feeling guilty enough without you breaking his heart!" The girl on the other end was screaming, almost threatening. "He was confused and feeling ignored because you never told him anything!" She paused, catching her breath.

"I-Isabelle?!" Magnus said, taken aback.

"No shit, Sherlock. Of course it's Isabelle! Who else would it be, the Silent Brothers?!" she shreiked. She then continued to rant at him, speaking so fast he could hardly understand her.

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