Its been a long road...

18 0 41

No they are not in space and yes one of them is a Trekkie. Whatever that don't matter.

The girls are now 16/17 years old so here's a lil recap:

Nick (not Fury) is the adult in charge of making sure the "kids" don't do anything stupid even if he sends them to go get or capture some guy, thing or whatever. The Secretary to the IMF if you know Mission Impossible. Def something u don't want random teenagers going to.

Ash is the somewhat stable, questionablely innocent, second-eldest who kinda ends up acting as the eldest in the group since their eldest, Seven, has issues. Secretly trains with knives to uh do some damage in case of emergencies even if shes too young (agent rule) and knives are only used as a can opener or something (another boring agent rule). The only person in the group who has a proper drivers license (Seven just failed hers but is retaking while Lilly and Reese are still taking exams or whatever).

You can most likely find Seven at night beside a fridge eating Nutella while crying and asking "wHY wONt AnYBODy kIsS mE??" Ok that last part's probs an exaggeration but she's running on caffine and cramming some schoolwork or whatever. She's fine. The group doesn't function without her. She's the grenade person and one time nearly killed everyone if we weren't using dummy grenades.

Lilly is highly likely to beat up Ash for no apparent reason, so Nick keeps an eye on her. Every time the team has a sparring session Ash and Lilly are the last to fight since they're the big finalle. However, Lilly's also highly likely to be the first person to beat up whoever hurt Ash. She constantly stays in the HQ to stay as far away from her bros and maybe everyone else. Loves using guns and could have been the sniper.

Reese is the sassy "idgaf" person. The go-to person for fashion advice. Not that you need to know but whatever. Probably the best of them since she's the only one who knows what's happening. She's the sniper of the group cuz she said why not. She's real good at it tho.

They all had bfs but they suck so they broke up. The boys probably have new gfs by now and the girls are still more single than a pringle.

Not how you remember it? Well too bad highschool changes you.

Anyway the HQ is where they hang. Other agent groups too but the agency whatever is kinda going bankrupt cuz their agents are mostly kids and that's a pretty stupid market. More than half the kids/agents are gone. Not dead they just left. The then kids turned adults now run the place. Except Nick he's always been old. The HQ is pretty much like a hotel except a little underground. Cuz it's a lil underground, it's pretty small and probs only has 3 stories max or 3 basements if you want to look at it that way. There are "standard solo hotel rooms" "Standard family hotel rooms" "Suites" and every other service or whatever a hotel has. Why are we comparing the HQ to a hotel? Because its easier to imagine, describe, and the closest resemblance.

Nick (the  frequent visitor), Ash, Seven, Lilly, and Reese are in the "standard family hotel room." Not because they're kinda like family, but because standard family hotel room means big room for around 5 people. What are suites then? They're basically the faculty rooms in a school. The adults stay there to have meetings or whatever adults do.

To get to HQ, (think you just walk in? It's underground) you go to a nice lil fastfood that recently changed its name to Foodstop. No one knows who named it. The fastfood is being run by the agents who don't get paid double cuz being an agent is pretty much just like going to summer camp. There are two doors for the employees: the actual door to the kitchen and the door to HQ because agents are unpaid employees.

Dont think any of these are possible or make sense? A kid made it what did you expect? Just accept these as it is.

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