When y/n and her brother Oikawa were kids, they're dad went to a Volleyball court, to play volleyball with them. He was a wing spiker in high school. He trained his son Oikawa to be a setter. His daughter y/n wasnt that interested in playing, but she liked the sport too.
They often went to play volleyball. It was always fun.They're father had a restaurant, together with some of his childhood friends. The twins were often there. At first just because it was fun and they had some entertainment there. Later, espescially y/n, came to help out a bit.
Oikawa prefered to play volleyball with Iwaizumi.
U could say that y/n was the more mature twin, but still, nobody could divide the two.
In middleschool, Oikawa joined the volleyballclub, so did y/n. She became the manager of the team.
In they're third year, Oikawa started do comport himself strange. Y/n could tell from the start, that it was because Kageyama joined the team. He was a good setter. Oikawa felt like Kageyama would outdo him. It was not true. Y/n told him that but he still started to overwork himself. Iwaizumi and y/n tried to stop him from doing so. It worked, but he got mad everytime someone mentioned Kageyama.
Kageyama was not the only enemy, or better said, he still isnt the only enemy.
Since middleschool the team played against Shiratorizawa. Already back then they had they're Ace Ushijima. You'r team never won. Not even once.
Oikawa wants nothing more than defeat Ushijima and Kageyama. Y/n didnt feel much different, but she just wanted that the team won against them, at least once, and maybe become friends with some of them, so u could have some practice matches against them.
It never happened, till now.
Y/n was always mire with boys. She felt more comftrable with them. Maybe because she grew up with Oikawa and Iwaizumi, but it could also be because she never really had girlfriends when she was younger, but she didnt really mind.
One time in summer, Oikawa, Iwaizumi and y/n went skating together. It was fun even if you guys weren't the best at it.
Back then you guys promised that you would do that again after you gratuated highschool.It was one of the best summers you ever had.
Y/n lived by five rules snice she was little:
1. NEVER betray Oikawa, Iwaizumi or another friend!!!
3. Never let anyone tell you what you should do or not, sure not always, but think about something before you do it!
4. Ur body is beautiful, no matter what others tell you!
5. Live you're life how u want to life it!

Fiksi PenggemarY/n lives a beautiful life. Too good would some people say, but was it the truth? Sakusa Kiyoomi x female reader NSFW Hope u enjoy