Part 18

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PART 18.
Nandini Abhimanyu Manik returned home. They had their dinner and slept early cause the next day their parents along with Fab3 they were supposed to arrive.

Next day, everyone was up and ready. Nandini and Navya were in the kitchen. The boys were with Radhika . Morning started chirpily and refreshingly. Fab 3 and elders were just about to arrive. Nandini and Navya were preparing breakfast as soon as possible cause Nandini had to leave for office but she wished to help Navya too.

They were all busy in their works when the door bell rang. Nandini came out of the kitchen along with Navya. Butlers opened the door. Ishita and Raman along with Nyonika Raj entered first. Nandini went and hugged them all. Manik followed her and rest of the gang joined in too.

Radhika: Nani Nanaa, I missed u all. I was getting bored here with these boring boring guys.

Cabir: Excuse me Ms. Radhika boring ha?
And he started tickling her.
Cabir picked her up in his arms. Everyone there was admiring them.

Manik was beside Nandini and they were whisper talking .
Manik: See she called u boring, just because of you, she called me boring too.
Nandini: Ahaan Kuch bhi ha Manik. I ain't boring .
Manik: ofcourse huh.
And they looked at each other chuckling at their own antiques. That's when they heard a scream.

Mukti: Nanzzzz, OH MY GOD I don't believe this I am standing Infront of the best doctor of India. Big admirer ma'am .
Nandini smiled when Mukti hugged her she hugged her back too
Mukti : Ma'am I do admire ur work a lot.
Nandini: u can call me Nandini
Mukti smiled.
Mukti: Aliyaaa come here na see.
Nandini's attention went towards a girl who had a smile on her face right now.
Aliya came towards them.
Aliya: Hello
Nandini : Hey
Dhruv hugged Manik and Cabir too.
Cabir: Hame to bhul hi Gaye log Bhabhi ke aage.
Mukti came and spanked his shoulders.
Mukti: Shut up idiot
Aliya greeted Cabir too and then she saw Manik.
She smiled and greeted him too.

Nyonika: guys come on breakfast kare? We r too hungry. Nandini chal. I will help you
Nandini nodded.
They both set the table together.
They were all eating their breakfast.
Ishita: Accha ha Nandu office se seedha Sabyasachi aa Jana lehanga roka, engagement ke liye select karna h baaki functions ko time Hain par chahe to vo bhi le Lena. Ok?
Nandini nodded.
Nyonika: hmm rings kal le lenge parso to Roka hi h. Kal ke din zyaada kaam Nahi rahega phir.

Everyone agreed to the plan.

Nandini left for her office then . She was working when her phone pinged  with a message from Manik.

"had your lunch?"

She smiled seeing his care.

"Not yet"

"When r u planning to?"

"I was busy in some work, Don't worry I will have it"


"Manik, u there??


Maniik was seeing the messages but was not replying. She was on to type another message when Priya knocked in.

Priya: Ma'am Manik Sir called, ur lunch.

Nandini had the sweetest smile on her face when her phone pinged yet again.

" Stop smiling and have your food, dare u skip it now. I have Priya's contact to spy on u now."
" I will, Thankyou"

"U better do"- Manik replied ignoring the thankyou royally. Nandini did not mind either, she knew he did not like her saying Thankyou or Sorry.

She had her lunch, signed few documents and left for Sabyasachis. She was in the car driving when Manik called her.

Manik: Nandini where are you?

Nandini: On the way Manik, 5 minutes.

Manik: Hmm Nandini we have media outside, We have come from the back gate but they are there too, u will manage or may I send someone? I can't come out na, how will u manage?

Nandini: Relax BOY. I will manage, I won't give any statement Be calm. Hmm?

Manik: Okay Come soon but Drive safe.

Nandini: Yeah .

They cut the call. Nandini reached the showroom soon. Media was there. 

She stepped down .

Paps: Ma'am here look here, Ma'am are you here for shopping? Whose wedding Ma'am?

Nandini posed for some pictures. She did not like paparazzi but she definitely knew how to carry herself gracefully and confidently.

She went in not answering any questions.

Everyone in was waiting for her. Manik was with the boy gang but her eyes were on her only , what was she doing , eating, talking.

He messaged her.

"Why u looking so beautiful?"

Nandini was busy with Nyonika when she saw Manik asking her to look into her phone.

She did and smirked.

"Cause I am beautiful?"

Manik chuckled reading that.

" You are indeed. Tired? "


"Sure? We can go and have something"

"No no I am sure, let's finish this work, u focus on your outfits "

"Oh yeah, well I ain't sure about the colour yet."

"Go with white  for Roka "

"As u say Ms."
On this Nandini looked up from her phone to see him already looking at her. They both chuckled and looked aside .

They chose their Roka outfits as well as the engagement outfits and went to have dinner outside itself .

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