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The two walked to a park. "Rin, i think it is better if we go to place, where others aren't there." said Shiro worried that others could hear them. "There is a place were we could talk without anyone listening to us.... well at least no human." replied Rin scratching the back of his head. "What do you mean? Who or what could listen to us?" asked Shiro confuised. "Hope you don't get scare when you see some of my not human friends." answered Rin grinning sheeplish. "Rin, don't say you managed to befriend other demons." said Shiro disbelieving. "Yeah, I somehow needed to know how to defend me and about the exorcists and all. They helped me and explained a bit of my powers and where they were from." explained Rin grinning at the memories. "You need to promise me that you won't hurt them." added Rin looking seriuos. "Promise, also you should know i only fight demons who hurt humans. You and Kuro would get along." responded Shiro. "Kuro?" asked Rin. "Kuro is a demon cat. He destroyed the machnery of construction workers, who were tasked to put away his old shrine. Now he works at the True Cross Academy to keep harmfull demons out. Maybe you can meet him sometime." answered Shiro and ruffled Rins hair. Rin instantly complaint about the hair ruffling. "Anyway we are there, no human comes here or at least we never saw them." stated Rin and ploped down next to a tree. "Just a question. Did you use your fire here?" asked Shiro looking at some scorch marks on the ground and trees. "Yeah the first time i showed a demon the flames and well i lost a bit of controle, but gained it after the demon helped me understand. Turns out because i wasn't competly exepting the demon part of me was the reason i lost controle." answered Rin. Shiro nodded and sat down next to Rin. 

"So what did you want to talk about?" questioned Shiro. "I want to know why exactly you hide all of it and why everyone beside me knew." replied Rin. "It was to protect you. You see i was tasked to go after your mother and kill the spawns of Satan, but i didn't kill the both of you and promised your mother to keep you safe. You already had your powers and injured Yukio, so he could see demons since birth. To hide you from the other exorcist and the ones that ordered me, i decided it would have been the best to keep your powers inside the Kurikara. It worked, but since i couldn't watch you 24/7 i had to tell the others and well you brother knew only after he began to train to become an exorcist about your power. Later on one of the others told him about your father and well without me noticing it made him believe that your were dangerous and a monster. I got tasked to take him with me after he learn and well i wanted to make sure he could defend himself, but then again without noticing i negelected you. I am sorry about that. You needed me just as much as he did. Anyways the reason i didn't tell you was  that i wasn't sure how you woud react and there was also the chance of your powers growing sso much that the Kurikara wouldn't be able to represse them. It would have bee dangerous to know and i wanted you to have a normal childhood."  explained Shiro. "I never had a normal childhood. The thing is after i turned four i began to see demons,  thought it was wierd and that i just imagining it. That's why i never told you and never paid attention to them. I was considering to tell you, but i was scare you think i was crazy or something and sent me away." admitted Rin looking at the sky. "Wait a damn sec. You knew all along about demons?!" exclaimed Shiro shocked. "More or less, yeah." answered Rin. "Okay.... How did you hear us talking about your powers or origin?" asked Shiro. "Oh uhm.. around a day before i ran away. First i was walking into the room you and the other adults talked about me, when they called me a demon, monster and a threat. All of you didn't noticed that i was in the room, after some time it became to much for me and i ran to my room and locked the door. After you came  to my room, i heard you and Yukio shout. I heard how my own twin thought about me and then i was on fire. It freaked me out, but it also distracted me from the pain i felt and everything that happened. I calmed down, because i was fascinated by the falmes. After that i looked up diffent thingd that could help me survive on the streets. The night before i  ran i came down to the kitchen intending to get some food, i could take with me, i saw you going to church and then into the badement or what it's called. I saw you taking out the sword and heard what you said. It made me angry again and i unleashed tthe flames, but before you could saw me apperently i ran to my room and tried calming down to put out the flames. That's pretty much how i know ." explained Rin looking at the sky. "I heard ffrom others that you are very good at fighting, though you don't hurt them and only destroy the weapons and things. Why didn't you hurt them?" questioned Shiro. "Some of the ones are hesatating when they fight me. It kinda makes it clear that they don't want to fight me and are ordered to do so. So why should i hurt someone, who is only following an order. The others, who clearly want to fight me, well i only burn their clothes to punish them. They are still humans and if i were to hurt them i propably couldn't forgive me. I know that my flames are hella powerfull, but if i hurt them i wouldn't be better than them and it would go against my dream." answered Rin. "Dream?" asked Shiro curious. "Yeah, some demons aren't harmfull and don't want to hurt humans. Some are only defending themselfs others try to stay away from humans, but they still get hunted. My dream is to make the exorcist understand that not all demons are bad and needed to kill. It's funny some of the demons helped me and are willing to help train exorcist to help agains the bad demons. There are even some that would help fight against Satan." answered Rin grinning at Shiro. Shiro laughed a bit and ruffeld Rins head. "That sounds great. I would like to help you achive that." responded Shiro. "IT's getting late, you should go home, before the others start to question it." stated Rin and got up. "You sound like an old man." responded Shiro and got up, too. "I am not the old one here. Anyways we can meet here some other time again." said Rin and started to walk away. "Where are you going?" asked Shiro. "Back to the hospital. I have promise to keep." replied Rin turning back to Shiro and waved before disappearing.

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