A moment(of wierdness)

573 3 14

Spottedleaf POV

Ahh. I think I'm in love... His lovely, emerald,  green eyes, and his pelt the color of flames.

He's so handsome and kind and amazing and cool an-

"What's with the moony expression voice," A voice rasped.

I turned around and recognized Yellowfang.

"Nothing," I mewed attempting to sound nonchalant, " just thinking."

Judging by the dry expression on her face, I guess I didn't hide it very well. Fortunatley she didn't push it.

" Just know that ... Just be careful," She mewed. 

I was surprised by the dark undertone in her voice.

I wanted to protest that there was nothing I was doing wrong, but something told me that Yellowfang had already sensed what was going on, and was trying to warn me.

I knew I had to be careful, but I did love Fireheart.

But... I also loved being a medicine cat.

I sighed

Why is my life so wierd?


Fireheart's POV

Both Sandpaw, and I strode into camp out of breath, as soon as we finished marking the border, which didn't take long.

As we passed the medcine clearing, I saw Spottedleaf sitting there by herself.

When she saw me, her eyes lit up, and just the sight of her usually would have made me melt on the inside, but right now I was so worried, and confused, that I just ran straight past her to the main clearing to find Bluestar.

Bluestar was very surprised when we rushed into the clearing, where she was examing the fresh-kill pile.

The expression on her face would have been funny, If Sandpaw hadn't spilled the news and made her serious.

Crossing my fingers, wait do cats even have fingers, never mind. I just want Bluestar to disagree to the raid.

Suddenly she's racing to the High Rock.

I listen carefully, and my spirit's plummet, when I hear Bluestar say:

" A patrol reported that the river is frozen, we must raid Riverclan!"

A round of cheers follow her words.

----------------------------(Sorry I'm too lazy to write about Graystripe and Fireheart fighting and the actual stuff so enjoy the timeskip!)-------------------------------------------------------

As the patrol walked back to camp, I winced when I put a little too much pressure on the shoulder, Graystripe scratched. 

Turns out the ice had already cracked by the time. It also turns out that, Graystripe was still mad that I told Silverstream not to see him. It also turns out Graystripe got mad at me for covering for him, and decided the best thing to do was attack me in front of the whole clan!

I'm just learning whole lot today, aren't I!?

Today is probably the wirdest day I've ever had, with Sandpaw actually being nice, and all the other stuff, I'm hoping just for a nice nap, or maybe visiting princess.

As I hobble into camp, I wince again at the scratch on my shoulder, It seems to have gotten worse, and Bluestar notices.

" Go get that checked, That's an order," She adds, when she's my expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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