Figuring Out Comfortable Sleep Positions

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Takes place right after 9x07 “Bad Boys.” Or maybe 9x08 “Rock and a Hard Place,” I don’t know. Also, WOW, this one just kept going. Thrice the length of No Shortage of Terrors and Traumas!

Castiel is human, but is staying with Dean. No Gadreel/Ezekial complications – Sam’s okay, Gadreel/Zeke left on his own, etc. I referred to him as Ezekial here because in this timeframe, Dean never found out he was somebody else.

As always, xposted on ao3 - I'm not stealing from myself :P

Figuring Out Comfortable Sleep Positions

Cas tonight is surprisingly persistent, fucking Dean almost relentlessly into the memory foam, pinning both hands on Dean’s as they go.

“Nnn… God, Cas…” Dean gasps, feeling close. “I’m…”

Cas nips at the skin of Dean’s shoulder and up his neck, alternating between kisses and full on sucking. “I’m not letting you up,” he growls, and drives harder.

Fuck. Fuck. That bossiness is what does it. Dean can’t hold back any longer and comes messily between his stomach and the blankets with a long, drawn out whimper. Cas rolls his hips once, twice more, tightening his grip on Dean's hands. He comes hard, collapsing onto Dean's back, winded and wheezing. He slips out but doesn’t get off of Dean yet.

“Someone’s…” Dean doesn’t quite have his breath back. “Got some energy tonight,” he finishes after a moment. “’S going on?”

Cas kisses Dean’s neck again, a lot more gently this time. “Nothing,” he says. “I just… I’m happy I have you,” he says simply.

Dean would rather die than admit how that makes him feel, so he says nothing and smiles into the pillow. He turns his face to meet Cas’s mouth briefly, and then Cas gets off him. Dean reaches over and grabs the wet wipes from the nightstand drawer for a quick clean-up before sleep.

This Cas-every-day-and-night thing is awesome, Dean’s thinking as he settles back into Cas’s arms, still panting a bit. In years past, he would have been resistant to being the little spoon here, but when it’s Castiel, who the hell cares?

It’s only been something like five weeks since Cas has been living here. After the case at Sonny’s, Ezekial had admitted that Sam was healed enough to be on his own. The second Zeke had departed in an explosion of light while Sam was sleeping, and Dean woke Sam up to make sure he was okay, Dean was grabbing his phone. His hand shook so much as he tried to hit Castiel’s number that he dialed Bobby’s old number twice, right above Cas in the phone’s contacts. Sam, still groggy from sleep, stared in confused amazement the whole time while Dean’s voice broke and he begged Cas to come back. Cas was uncertain, but up for it, and he started for the Bunker the next morning. As soon as he arrived, Dean explained instantly why he’d really had to push him away, telling Sam separately later (he was livid about Dean tricking him with Zeke, but eventually he cooled off).

Once they were all under one roof, they made it maybe one week before Cas was the first to break, admitting the deeper reason it had hurt so much when he was thrown out. That he felt like he loved Dean. And although Dean tried to joke about it – more out of habit than anything else—, the truth of the matter was that his heart felt like it was trying to make a break for it. So finally, he’d just shut up, given up, and kissed Cas until they were both out of breath.

Dean can feel Cas breathing now, warm air gently blowing over Dean’s ear. Poor guy’s already half-asleep. Worn out. Dean grins and twines his fingers with Cas’s over his stomach and lets himself drift off.

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