chapter 6: application

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The blonde walked into the office.
Lady tsunade sat at the desk.
"Take a seat naruto!"
The blonde jumped at her tone and sat down quickly.
"Yes ma'am..."
He replied nervously.
"Kekashi has applied you to become hokage..."
"Am I right?"
The blonde shook his head.
The blonde said.
"Ok then I have two questions."
"Will you do anything in your power to save people, help rebuild things that get destroyed, and protect the village?"
Tsunade asked.
"Of course."
The blonde replied.
"And will you put your life on the line for this village?"
Tsunade asked.
"Yes of course."
"You'll start in a week."
"I'll get your suit hat and everything."
"See ya later naruto."
"Go get home to Mrs pink."
The blonde turned red.

"That was it?"
The blonde asked kekashi.
"You did good."
"I'm proud of you."
"Your giving me half of your pay."
The blonde punched him in the shoulder.
"I guess that's fair."
Kekashi laughed.
"I've missed this Naruto.
"I guess I'm glad your back here with us..."
The blonde looked up at the sky.
"Yeah... Me too..."

~at the house~

The blonde walked in the house.
Sakura jumped out and jumped on him.
The blonde jumped and picked her up.
Sakura laughed.
"So did you get it?"
The blonde smirked.
"How'd you know?"
Sakura smirked as well.
The blonde chuckled.
"Yes if course I got it duh!"
"I'm like the best."
Sakura kissed him.
"Don't brag!"
The blonde put his jacket on the rack.
The blonde then walked to the kitchen.
"Nope I made your favorite."
The blonde pulled his head out of the fridge to a big bowl of ramen.
"Oh shit!"
Sakura smirked once again.
"I hate it when you do that face..."
Naruto said sarcastic.
"No you don't."
"Now what do you say."
The blonde chuckled.
"Your the best girlfriend."
Sakura stopped him.
"And soon to be wife!"
The blonde looked at her.

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