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i made a mistake.

im never going back to him

maybe then,

ill be okay again

sorry, youve got the wrong

but it seems like ur going
through something

can I help you somehow?


I'm fine

everybody says that.

when its an obvious lie


ont go through everything by
urself when theres people who's
willing to help you.

things aren't always good, but
there's always people around
to help you.

how do you not get
broken off?

how ironic, i just got broken off

but hey, she's not the only one
in the world

there's plenty of people
out there

but she's the only one that can
make me feel different than
everybody else.

that's what makes her special.

but to her, that's just
an everyday thing

a daily basis for her

a thing where she thinks
she won't regret.

while I'm here, thinking every
single possibility of
where did i go wrong?

everyone has their downsides
and upsides

some has worse days than others

but they have their individual
happy booster.

so even if he broke your heart,
even if he is the one for you,

he's still the worse individual
on earth no matter how amazing
he is

cause he broke a heart.

hearts can't be healed, they
can only be sow back.

like a piece of clothing. once it's ripped, you can sow it back,
but it's memory of it being ripped
will always be with you.

even if the sowing was perfect and made by the most finest threads.

i envy you

lol why

i envy you
for giving words
that can calm people
even when they're
at their worst.

i envy u
you for still being
tough and calm even
when you just got broken off

i envy you
for still laughing
when your broken.

why can't I just be like you?

why am I so weak?

don't underestimate yourself
just because somebody else
is better than you.

don't envy others just because
they have something that
you don't

even if they're smiling
and laughing,
they might have more complicated
things to handle than you think

thank you

for being with me even when we're just strangers who met because of a


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