Let me go, Senpai!

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Izuku was lying on his bed, still thinking of the interaction he had with the third-year student, Rumi Usagiyama. It was night and he would usually be asleep by now but he couldn't rest. He rolled over on his bed, holding his pillow over his head as he buried his face into the mattress. "Ah, it was worse after I ended up looking at her! It was like she got exactly what she wanted." He couldn't forget that crooked grin and uneven eyes. 

"I hope I don't have to interact with her tomorrow..." 

Thankfully he didn't have to during his walk to school and through morning classes. It was lunch and Izuku was in the cafeteria, sitting with his friends, they were all crammed around the table with Izuku sitting at the edge of one side.   

"Hey, let's go sit by the window, I could use some sunlight." 

Izuku instinctively stiffened. It was one of the voices from yesterday. 'Then that probably means-,'

"Ah, sure." It wasn't as smug or teasing, 'But that was definitely her voice!' And he could hear them coming from behind him. He stayed still, not able to turn his head back to confirm it. He kept his eyes down as their steps and chatter came closer, 'They're going to pass the table, she most likely already spotted me? Wh-What do I do? Do I greet her? But I never gave her my name, if I introduce myself in front of her friends and my friends, won't it look like a confession? It will look like I have a crush on my senpai! There's no way I can do that. Just keep your eyes and head down like you always do, Izuku Midoriya...'

As they reached Izuku's table, he could see a pair of muscular thighs and radiant white hair from the corner of his eyes. He didn't know why but her hair reminded him of the moonlight on a clear night. His eyes followed the graceful movement of her hair. Her hair was swaying side to side causing brief moments that revealed the back of her skirt. He tilted his head seeing it, there was a bump under her skirt where her tailbone would be. 

Wiggle, wiggle.

'It wiggled!' He almost choked on his spit realizing he was staring at her tail, thinking about how fluffy it might be under her skirt. 'Crap, what am I thinking!'      

But as they got farther away from his table she looked back, catching him staring at a specific part of her body. He instinctively met with the eyes that he felt were on him. He quickly averted his gaze as his cheeks steamed up, seeing the same broken grin and excited eyes that kept him from sleeping yesterday.  

'She caught me! I wasn't doing anything wrong but it looks like I was!' 

Throughout the rest of lunch, he tried to resist peeking at her table but still did a few times. There were the same three girls, including Rumi. One of the girls had long spiky purple hair with scandalous eyes. The other girl had vanilla blonde hair looking like the most superficial, able to appear innocent and vulnerable but was actually vain and manipulative. 

'Those two look just as bad as Rumi-Senpai!'

Even though nothing happened to him in the literal sense, it was still a rough lunch for Izuku to get through.    

It was after-school, he was still in the classroom as he was doing his assigned duties for the day. He did his usual ramblings as he cleaned the board and erasers. "At least staying late means I won't have to run into her on the way home to school." He sighed out a breath of relief, before he continued on, "Seriously though, why do I have the feeling she won't be leaving me alone anytime soon." He knew how bullies worked, once they found a target they wouldn't stop harassing them, "I thought I was done with bullies when Kacchan moved away..." 

He didn't notice that the door had slid open a bit and that someone was staring at him. 

He instantly shivered for some reason. 

Stop bullying me Rumi-senpai!Where stories live. Discover now