Chapter One - Dewdrops in Autumn

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Bitter cold nipped at the cheeks of Malika Hawthorne as her gloved hand reached out to touch a brittle leaf tethered to a low-hanging branch.

Fall would soon give way to winter, and the cold would only intensify as its icy grasp spread in her part of the world. Her hand lingered a moment longer, and she longed for warmth to return in the spring. Ready for the World to burst back into colour after what would no doubt be a bleak winter.

Her wistful thoughts were soon interrupted, and she pulled her hand away to tuck it back into the pocket of her coat. Barely able to contain the shiver that ran the length of her spine as she did so.

Walking along a quiet footpath in the early morning hours alone had perhaps not been her finest thought, but she needed air.

Sleep had been difficult to come by the previous night. She hoped that a walk in the brisk morning air would help clear her head, but it hadn't. Her mind felt as foggy and sodden as the park she was walking through.

Dewy blades of grass untouched by any glistened in the weak sunlight. Shafts of soft illumination speared through to fog, but they offered no warmth and little clarity. The surrounding air was damp, heavy and thick.

Malika had allowed herself some time to become lost in thought, but soon cursed internally. She realised in that moment that she wasn't alone.

Everything around her was still, eerily still. The birds had stopped their melodious morning choir, even the hum of cars was absent.

Though internally everything screamed at her to run, she didn't. She knew better.

Turning on her heel, she pivoted to face the direction she had come from. "Who's there?" Her calm voice showed no hint of fear, despite how erratically her heart beat within her. "Show yourself." She demanded as the breath she let out twisted and twirled before her.

'Oh great,' the thought rampaged through her as a face materialised in front of her for just a moment before it was gone again. 'An air elemental.' She would have realised it sooner had she not been so preoccupied with her thoughts.

A breeze caressed Malika's face, tickling her nose.

"What do you want?" The question came as she watched a mostly invisible being circle her with great curiosity.

The being did not answer, nor did it stop moving. An annoying blessing she would have to tolerate.

"I'll not ask again, Altia. Show yourself." Her voice was level, stern. Her soft demand had an instant reaction. There were few air elementals in Portland that could match the power being exhibited at that moment. She knew who it was, but what they wanted was a different story entirely.

It wasn't often that Malika dealt with elemental fae. Much of her time lately was taken up with monitoring the movements of dark fae.

Malika was enveloped by a gentle downward flow of air. Not a gust or a breeze, not moving erratically or jarring. The soft, gentle movement set the woman at ease a little. Nothing about air elementals made her feel at ease, but she knew she had known Altia once. It was enough to know she was safe.

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