Chapter 51: My love

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"Nik." Percy poked the hybrid's face.


The demigod continued poking the hybrid's face. "Nik."

"Nickelodeon, wake up."

Her finger poked him again.

"What do you want, love?" He asked with his eyes remaining closed.


His eyes opened to look at her. Her grin widened. "Good morning, Nikkie."

Klaus' eyes scanned over her features, roaming from her eyes, her nose, and her lips. "Good morning, my love."

The name caused her face to immediately soften.

The demigod moved closer to him. "Can you repeat that?"

"Repeat what?" He questioned as his eyes closed again.

She poked his cheek. "You called me something."

"I don't know what you mean, love."

Percy pouted a bit. "Nikkkkkk," she dragged out his name.

"Percyyyyyy." He repeated her action.

She moved so that she was laying on top of him. Her hand gently guided his face toward her. "Please, Nikkie."

The hybrid kept his eyes closed. "Please, what?"

"You know what."

Klaus opened his eyes and gazed into her sea green ones.

She continued, "Say it again."

The original replied, "I'm afraid I don't know what it is."

Percy huffed and frowned slightly. She rolled off of him and made her way out of the bed.

Klaus reached his hand out towards her. "I'm sorry, my love. Come back."

The demigod faced him and crossed her arms. "You're being a meanie."

The hybrid got out of the bed as well and moved towards her. "Let me make it up to you."

She chose not to respond. Instead, she stuck her tongue out at him.

Klaus looked at her pleadingly. "I'll do whatever you want."

"Whatever I want?" Percy asked with a mischievous look on her face.

The blond nodded.

She laughed evilly and moved her thumb and pointer finger against her chin, in a thinking pose.

The raven haired beauty grinned up at him happily. "Nikkie?"

The original grew slightly nervous at what she had in store for him. "Yes?"

"I have an idea." An evil grin appeared on her lips.


Percy used a washable marker to draw pink hearts on the hybrid's cheek, near his eye.

"Really, love?" His eyes scanned over her features.

Despite what she was doing to his face, he enjoyed the position. She was leaning in close to his face and her hand gently held his neck to keep him steady.

SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)Where stories live. Discover now